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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Trust me Jon... you absolutely will. You'll get used to seeing proper effects and reflections... and then you'll look back, and realize just how off and wrong current gen shit was. And dude... some of the games you're talking about not seeing the difference... is because they're largely static effects to begin with. In COD you're not going to notice it everywhere because it's not used everywhere...
  2. After you get used to RT effects... you're going to look back and see just how noticeable it is.
  3. You said... "Are you now going to make 20 posts in a row, all minutes apart?" You're asking him if he's going to do the same thing he did before... again. To which I replied that he can't if you keep responding.. They're not "in a row" if you're putting posts between them Jesus fucking CHRIST you're dumb.
  4. Well, you have to understand the about of shit I've gotten here about RT from people who don't understand and simply want to troll. I've put a lot of effort and made tons of informative posts here explaining why it's technically impressive, what it's actually doing, and comparing.. and then usually deal with responses like "oh, so it's a little darker?" and stupid shit like that. So forgive me for not taking it serious.
  5. lmao no.. of course not. As long as developers have ambition, there will be 30fps target games.
  6. My point was that he can't make 20 posts in a row if you keep responding to him Are you seriously mad that I pointed out and made a joke of something obvious?
  7. Ok Ghostz... I'll post a video I made ages ago when BF5 first got RT.
  8. See that's because that's RT done through a shader by accessing the depth buffer...... It's not even close to an actual RT implementation in engine. Basically it's essentially screenspace ray tracing... it can't be used for anything off screen. Stop using shit like that as a gauge for the technology... especially when you're trying argue with me about understanding it.
  9. As I've said before... people are used to seeing completely incorrect lighting and reflections in games.. so much so that they've tricked themselves into thinking it looks proper.. or "good enough" But as time goes on and more and more games use RT effects... one day, people will look back and think just how completely fucking ugly and wrong games were without it. This has happened many times in the past as well.
  10. Oh, I just read post the best RT comparisons.. I didn't even see video there. Regardless... nah.. it's quite easy to see that you're not knowledgeable enough to understand and appreciate what is happening. You prove it by posting stupid shit like "and don't dare post Minecraft!!"... that right there shows me that it's simply a waste of my time... which is why I told you to stay unimpressed. And you're wrong... nobody needs to convince YOU about why it's necessary.... they simply need to convince developers.... and trust me... they already have.
  11. Nope. I don't think you're knowledgeable enough to understand why it's impressive. And Ray tracing and the effects of it are something better understood and seen in motion... because the whole point of it is to be dynamic and not static.
  12. Probably not if you keep responding to him
  13. For me it's not even about the amount of reviews it's getting... it's that it's a shitty game, and will review like shit. This is the type of MP shit you'd see from Sony during the PS3 days... Obviously it's not a first party studio making, but that doesn't matter... It seems they're only willing to give these types of purely MP focused games to shit rate 3rd parties... because they don't take it seriously, and know that their bread and butter is SP story-driven games.
  14. Smash Bros. is another one of those franchises like Yakuza that I'm just fucking sick and tired of hearing about and wish it would fall off the face of the earth. Fuck those games and their fanbase.
  15. You don't even understand when you're own fucking retarded logic is used against you
  16. You're getting all fucking butthurt about the fact that Sony released a shitty MP game because they have no concept of quality when it comes to those games. You're desperate to defend Sony on this one
  17. Bitch got caught in his feels IMMEDIATELY
  18. Sony publishes a game... "Durrr this isn't Sony's game " Fucking idiot. Sony has NO FUCKING EYE for quality when it comes to MP games.
  19. Sony's responsible for the quality of the game you stupid fuck. They are the publishers and the platform holder... they are the ones who decide that a game is good enough. This is the type of MP game Sony thinks is good enough
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