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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Gyro will be nice with this game. I don't care what reviews say, I'm gonna get it.
  2. LMAO that list is terrible. DQ11 is a solid as fuck RPG though, it's just unapologetically traditional.
  3. Me too. So fucking bad. Also PS1 and Saturn long boxes If they still did them, and actually put effort into them, I'd definitely advocate physical copies... but these days with the cheapest packaging possible, and no interesting shit included, I could not care less.
  4. He's obviously gone to get a fresh bag
  5. It's crazy how good some of these smaller engines are getting. The water portion is extremely impressive. Next gen is going to look so fucking insane
  6. They are so much nicer aesthetically than multiple monitors. I'd like to get one, but none of them really tick off all the boxes on the checklist that I want. 2160p 120hz+ HDR I will not ever EVER go back to a 60hz monitor... no matter the resolution. FUUUUUUUCK that.
  7. GS - 9/10 IGN - 10/10 Meta - 93 Sold a million in a month despite being a VR game. bubu it's flopped says the Lemming bubut it's flopped says the Sheep... who's busy playing this instead Kill yourself
  8. You're the one not listening... And no... their hardware hasn't always been getting sold out AND BACKORDERED for 2 months since launch... You're the idiot who needs to listen dude.... THE AMOUNT OF HEADSETS CONNECTED TO STEAM IS WHAT MATTERS HERE................................ On the survey they have about 1.3% of Steam users have a headset connected TO STEAM. Which means around 2 million headsets... Selling a game to half of those people in one month is INCREDIBLE. Put it this way... Beat Saber is one of the most popular VR games ever, is released on EVE
  9. It's only the fastest selling VR game ever... and sold a million in 1 month... how long did it take other VR games to get there? HL isn't what it used to be... and it requires a sizable investment, as well as room space. As I said... headsets are backordered for 2 months right now... lots of people WANT theirs... but they can't produce them fast enough. You can bet your ass that this game is doing exactly what Valve was hoping it would do. It's selling headsets at a rate never seen before.. and it will give developers and publishers confidence that if th
  10. In the first month... during a time when VR sets are backordered 2 months+ Fucking idiots
  11. 1 million in a month is bad for a VR game and SuperData... VGChartz is probably more accurate
  12. Yep. We knew this was going to start happening with them eventually. Nintendo really fucked up with the joycons.
  13. I'm tired of seeing the name Yakuza. I wish this series would fuck off for a decade or so.
  14. This was supposed to be a big game for Sheep
  15. I mean, it's whatever. It's just a logo lol
  16. Not sure how you could fuck up an X... but MS found a way.
  17. Yea you are.. but it's alright. Dust
  18. Dude.. you're getting defensive as fuck... lmao.. chill the fuck out. I don't give a shit where you put it... to me though... it's definitely not a better game than OoT... hence my comment.
  19. No... I mean.. my original post was laughing at the fact that sheep had THAT game... lmao you think playing it changes the fact that I'm laughing at your ass for that literally being the only notable game released on Switch this month? lmao
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