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Everything posted by Remij

  1. 1 million in a month is bad for a VR game and SuperData... VGChartz is probably more accurate
  2. Yep. We knew this was going to start happening with them eventually. Nintendo really fucked up with the joycons.
  3. I'm tired of seeing the name Yakuza. I wish this series would fuck off for a decade or so.
  4. This was supposed to be a big game for Sheep
  5. I mean, it's whatever. It's just a logo lol
  6. Not sure how you could fuck up an X... but MS found a way.
  7. Yea you are.. but it's alright. Dust
  8. Dude.. you're getting defensive as fuck... lmao.. chill the fuck out. I don't give a shit where you put it... to me though... it's definitely not a better game than OoT... hence my comment.
  9. No... I mean.. my original post was laughing at the fact that sheep had THAT game... lmao you think playing it changes the fact that I'm laughing at your ass for that literally being the only notable game released on Switch this month? lmao
  10. I didn't say anything about it being on your list... but rather that you have it so far ahead of OoT. Undertale is a great game... but it's not top 50 quality
  11. lmao of course.. anyone who buys a 2080ti now will be disappointed as soon as the new cards are out. I expect the 3070 to be comparable to it, and the 3080 a good 25-30% better.. and the 3080ti to be 50%+ better.
  12. Dust: An Elysian Tale far ahead of Ocarina of Time. That's interesting
  13. It'll sell well. All the true OG FF7 have already bought it... but the word of mouth is really positive at this point. So you have tons of people that love it, and a sizable chunk that don't... Some of those people wont even bother.. but others will give the sequel a chance to see what SquareEnix does with it.
  14. Then go for it. And yea... don't buy a 2080ti now lmao.. the new cards are gonna shit on it.
  15. lmao I think that's a waste dude. Save that money and put it towards a better GPU or more storage or whatever else. New mouse pad maybe
  16. It's funny how you seem to think PS5 could come in at $399, but Lockhart couldn't come in at $299 Series X and PS5 will be priced either the same, or within $50 of each other. Lockhart will be cheaper. That's what I'm saying.
  17. I understand and agree. Like I said though... I wanted a retelling of the original with beautiful new visuals and gameplay. This game delivered on pretty much all of that... but the changes they've set up mean that it's no longer FF7 to me. It's now an companion story. I'm disappointed.. but not because what they've done is BAD... it's just not what I was hoping for. There's still the potential for them to do some very cool stuff with it... I'm not denying that. But when it comes to the type of stuff they're doing here... Square has a terrible track record... which makes me fe
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