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Everything posted by Remij

  1. lmao... The idea isn't to have Lockhart be the main system you fool... It doesn't need to entice everyone to buy it... it simply needs to be an option for those who want to save money and don't see the value in 4K just yet.... XSX = PS5 Lockhart = cheaper That's it.
  2. Series X will cost what PS5 costs... Lockhart will come under that. That's the plan... It's going to be cheaper.. and appeal to people who only want or are happy with 1080p quality next gen games.
  3. lol... you were going to skip part 2, but this game changed your mind? lol Who goes into something knowing that they're going to skip the eventual sequel which continues the story? I'm sure there's lots of new fans that are extremely interested though, as you say. It's good for them. I love the game for the most part... but the whole ending and revelation and what it sets up just wasn't what I wanted. I want to see where it goes though, but it's definitely not MY FF7
  4. This. Apparently there's stricter gun control legislation coming in response. They actually already moving towards this legislation before this all happened, but it got sidetracked due to Covid19. Things are going to happen fast to help prevent stuff like this occurring in the future. I just hope it's a one off and that it doesn't spawn more senseless death in the future.
  5. Wonder what the falloff rate is going to be for the sequels
  6. LMAO you guys... MS is 100% targeting Sony's price with the XSX. Why people think Series X is so much more expensive than PS5 is beyond me. The controller will be cheaper to produce, likely cheaper cooling, cheaper storage SSD.... the list goes on. They're both similar in BOM... and MS definitely has the ability to price the system at whatever Sony does with PS5... use your fucking heads. Lockhart is meant to undercut PS5.... not give it a better value perception. MS wants the 12TF vs 10TF marketing to work in it's favor with regards to value.
  7. PRO and X really are not capable of anything more than what you're seeing right now. This generation is greatly bottlenecked by CPUs and storage.
  8. Nah. The CPU and Memory will be as powerful as they need to be to support next gen games. The rest comes down to resolution and some visual effects. Absolutely NOTHING that would prevent a XSX or PS5 game from running on it.
  9. No. It will have a vastly better CPU and memory, as well as far more GPU power and features.
  10. Remij

    My Top 50 Games

    Yea, that's completely understandable for some games. I agree certain games like Tenchu would be very tough to play and enjoy. Most of the games I consider classics for the system don't have this problem at all though, for me anyway. And we're talking about our favorite systems of all time.. I don't base that purely on my ability to go back and enjoy every single game the same as I did before... there's something to be said about the system for the time and the amount of joy it brought you. Like I said anyway.. they're close, but PS1 edges it out.
  11. As I said before, MS will be stopping production of the X1X and replacing it with Lockhart. The Cyberpunk 2077 limited edition is apparently going to be the last limited edition version of the console to be released. Lockhart will replace it, have a vastly better CPU and memory, essentially allowing for next gen console games to simply run at 1080p. It will all be phased out relatively quickly.
  12. Remij

    My Top 50 Games

    PS1 games look fine lmao... That's a YOU problem. And who gives a shit about the visuals in the first place?
  13. Remij

    My Top 50 Games

    Second best right behind PS1. Just barely behind.. it's so close
  14. Fucking Dota Could you imagine playing that shit day in and day out? There's some faggot on my friends list who's CONSTANTLY playing that fucking garbage.. What a cabronacabra
  15. Fuck those people.. they deserve to be ridiculed
  16. how could anyone actually think that's real? Did you see the amount of ethernet, HDMI ports, and power connectors?
  17. Yea, it's so sad too when people post pictures of the victims that were taken literally minutes/hours before it happened. So sad. I wish we were better than this
  18. Yep. Devs and pubs aren't going to stand for it. They've all got their own ideas... and these publishers are going to want to sell the rights to streaming their games to the highest bidders. I know I know... "It's like running a virtual machine and you have to pay for the games so why should pubs/devs care" but there's all sorts of grey there. I knew this was going to happen after the first ones started dropping out. Nvidia is gonna have to figure out another method.
  19. Well, they'd essentially be selling a server at that point lol
  20. Yea exactly. There's people talking about it around here obviously, but like you said, there's so much shit going on in the world right now.. it's really just a tiny blip on the radar. It's a tragedy for sure. Sadly I can only imagine more people are going to snap due to all sorts of added stress due to current events. I was just kinda surprised considering the amount of Canadian's that post here that nobody posted it. We always do when it's happening in America, so I figure we should when it's Canada as well.
  21. Remij

    My Top 50 Games

    You literally can't fuck with Mario. Mario is the king of gaming. SMW is an awesome choice. The Super NES was such a fucking beast of a console.. my god.
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