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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Remij

    My Top 50 Games

    I literally just posted Chrono Trigger as my #3. Absolutely incredible and I agree with every word you said
  2. 3. Chrono Trigger What would happen if a Dream Team of some of the worlds best developers got together and made an RPG? One that would defy even the highest of expectations.. one that would try many unique and interesting ideas, and combine it altogether with one of the most memorable casts and stories ever told in gaming? Chrono Trigger is what happens. Top tier visuals, music, gameplay and battle systems. An epic adventure spanning many timelines. This is the best game EVER MADE with time travel. It manages to nail every single aspect. It's the resul
  3. Oh shit.. I kinda got sidetracked and forgot about this Ok top 3 coming up
  4. Well, if it's something to do with account and payments, they'll have no choice.
  5. I honestly don't know. Probably was something to do with the 1080p monitor resolution and the game resolution caused some kind of bug or corruption. As for vsync, what Hz is your monitor running at? Did you remember to increase the Hz when you changed your desktop resolution? Check it in the Nvidia control panel under It may have defaulted back to 60.. which is causing the vsync issues. Make sure it's set to 120 or 144 or whatever your monitor supports.
  6. Apparently PS4 has had a huge uptick in sales thanks to FF7R. Switch also had Animal Crossing. Xbox had... lol
  7. MS were selling them at huge discounts for the past couple months. Now though, they're back up to like $550 here... lol They're not going to sell anything at that price with what we know is coming on the horizon. They need to just drop them dirt cheap and get rid of as much stock as possible and make way for Series X and S. Series S will replace the X1X at $299 and will vastly outperform it. There's no reason for the X1X anymore.
  8. Yea, there's lots of people who run 1080p monitors with the latest gpus for the highest framerates possible. I don't personally understand it past a point.. as you can run 1080p just fine on a high refreshrate 1440p monitor as well... but to each their own. You're definitely missing out on some detail with that monitor though.
  9. Dude, you really don't seem to understand. DLSS has nothing to do with ray-tracing.. so just stop confusing what the tensor cores are actually doing in Control. You want 1080p DLSS render option with your 1080p monitor... I get that... but at that point... you're literally rendering 1080p. So there's NO performance benefits to be gained. If you run "DLSS" at native resolution... you're not gaining anything... The entire idea behind it is that you're running at a fraction of the resolution. The simple act of running the neural network on the tensor cores takes a fixe
  10. I simply clarified your misconception that connecting a wiimote to the PC was a big hassle. You ran from there and started off with some "bubut REAL hermits wouldn't use bluetooth" or some stupid bullshit like that. That right there showed me that you really had no inclination to learn about it.. and have been running to different excuses ever since. You're lazy, and cheap. That's all there is to it. Go ahead and "finish hacking" your Wii. I mean... you could just go out and BUY those games legitimately... order them online.. or whatever... but if you're willing to put in the
  11. Fuck.. it seems like there's a backdoor somewhere because people are changing their passwords and they're getting breached again. Damn, this might actually be bad unless they can get it patched quick.
  12. lmao... you had a 2060 before... and now you have a 2080 and never mentioned it? Dude... you DO have the option of 1080p render resolution on a 1080p display... it's called 1080p native....
  13. No.. you brought up space because I smacked down your shitty fucking controller connecting conundrum lmao this idiot thinking you need a dedicated room for the wiimote. You're trying to build up a really shitty defense.. you're running hard. Now you even admit you're too fucking lazy to make space... like I called you out on. I literally said you were too cheap for the adapter, and too lazy to actually do anything required of you. It's like me being upset that I'd have to buy burnable CDs to copy a game to play in my console. If you're not up
  14. With a monitor resolution of 4K yes.. the native res is the internal DLSS res.. so either 720p or 1080p.
  15. lmao $700 is not happening. That would be damn near $1000 CAD when it's all said and done lmao
  16. No. You really don't need much space for the Wii... at all. You brought up space.... because you're RUNNING hard from your original argument... lmao. If space was such a factor for you... you never would have considered emulating on PC in the first place.... idiot. But you did... and you claimed that setting up the controller to work would be a hassle.. I promptly smacked that down... ...so here we are.
  17. Sufficient space is much less than your claim. But you didn't mention anything about space. You mentioned connecting the Wiimote to the PC. Standing back a foot or two from your monitor has nothing to do with "trying to get your wiimote working with your PC"... you already said it's common sense that you'd need some space. That has nothing to do with getting the wiimote working. You're running and running from your original argument. Logistics... you have no use for bluetooth... except that I just gave you a use for it. Which means that you wont consider
  18. The logistics You're an idiot. You're cheap.. because the ORIGINAL argument that you made HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH PLAY SPACE.... which is what you're running to now. You're original point against it was concerning the issue of connecting the Wiimote to the PC. You got fucking owned on that point... and are running to anything else you can... and it's not working. I've got infinite more experience than you with this stuff.. Everyone sees it
  19. Dude, if you're running 1080p internal resolution... with DLSS... you're not going to get any performance increase over 1080p native. It's actually going to perform worse because the time it takes to run the neural network on the tensor cores is added to the time it takes to render the pixels. 1080p DLSS on a 1080p output... is full resolution.. You're asking why they don't let you run full resolution with DLSS.... and it's because at that point you're running native.. and there's nothing for the tensor cores to do but slow the process down lol..
  20. This deflecting bubut your argument isn't sticking because I put my fingers in my ears and screamed nananananaaanaaaa Dude.. you're cheap, and you're lazy. You made the stupid proclamation that setting up a Wiimote to work with a PC is a big hassle. I smashed your dumbass down with that notion, and now you're trying to play off that buying a $10 adapter is too much to ask because you have nothing else to use it with... lmfao. Now the whole bubut the wiimote needs space... lmao that's bullshit. You have no experience with it... and it shows. Not to me
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