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Everything posted by Remij

  1. What roadblocks? lmao.. dude.. they've removed the roadblocks that were there. You can play at any resolution you want. It uses 2x and 4x scales. 540p > 1080p You're asking why they don't let you run 1080p DLSS at 1080p? ... dude.. that's rendering the full pixels.. what are you expecting to improve? You're running it at native resolution in that case.
  2. Yes it is. You're too cheap to buy a $10 bluetooth adapter for the specific reason of using it for controllers. If that isn't because you're cheap then I can't possibly fathom why. You're literally saying you don't want to spend the money on it because the only thing you would use it for would be this. That shows how cheap you are. And a sensor bar doesn't require that much space. You obviously don't have much experience with it.. so you should shut the fuck up with your garbage excuses. You're literally making up excuses... with NO experience in the ma
  3. Of course the fewer pixels you render the less stable it will get. Not sure what you mean about the delay. I mean, the way it works is that it accumulates frames over time.. so using the info from the previous frames to build the next ones. Of course when you're moving the camera back and forth and then stop it builds the frames. Because you're running at a low resolution, it make that more noticeable. It's not a DLSS artifact.. it's essentially how Temporal reconstruction works. The reason why you're noticing it.. is because it's a really low resolution to begin with, then it
  4. Eh. That's probably around the same % of gaming PCs out there that have 16GB of RAM and a 6 core+ CPU. A year in from the consoles and there's going to be that many more. You yourself literally just joined that group. There's going to be tons others as well. Although the percentage number seems small... that's in the grand scheme of things. There's millions and millions of PCs out there already about as good as next gen consoles. We'll have to see how console prices affect adoption rate, as well as all the economy bullshit. It's also fair to mention that PS5 is le
  5. Yea, but 1% of console owners will have a PS5/XSX too for like the first year
  6. 4. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past I'm sad that I couldn't include this game in my top 3 to be honest. It's deserving enough. It's unbelievable just how incredible of an advancement this game was over the previous games. Of course, that's compounded by Zelda 2 being a very different game from it's predecessor.. but the return to form here was just incredible. This is exactly the type of game you'd expect from the "Super" Nintendo. It took the core gameplay from the original and ramped it up to 11. No longer was it a room-by-room scroller, it was
  7. It's unbelievable how much tension they added to that game. Absolutely BRILLIANT addition.
  8. 5. Resident Evil Remake Welcome to the top 5 boys. To speak about this.. I first have to speak about the original. The original game always will hold a special place in my heart.. because the way I learned about it was from a friend who had a PS1 and made a VHS tape of some of the PS1 games he had so I could see how awesome it was. We lived far apart, so I wasn't really able to go and see him.. so he made me this tape and gave it to me at school. He'd always talk about how amazing it was, and how mature the games were. So I got home, threw the
  9. Twinblade is honestly pretty good for the most part... but there's sometimes like CM said, where he seems to just veer off the path and be dumb about it for some reason or another. For the most part, his opinions are pretty solid... and as I've said before... I respect how much and how many games that dude actually plays. My Steam always shows him playing every game he talks about and even when he's talking here in the forum about thinking about playing a game in the future... sure enough I see that little pop up and he's bought the game and is playing it lol.. So you gotta res
  10. 6. Super Mario World Yea.. this was a tough decision. Between Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World. Both are absolute masterclass. When SMB3 released, it was amazing no doubt... but due to how late SMB3 came to NA, it wasn't that long after that Super Mario World would hit.. SMB3 was still fresh in my mind, but upon seeing SMW for the first time at a friends place, before I even had a Super Nintendo... it was undeniably superior in every way, and I knew I had to have it. The 16bit visuals were on another level completely.. the mosaic transition effects and scr
  11. 7. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time This was such a big fucking deal for me at the time. You could just tell it was going to be on another level from anything that had come before. This absolutely massive 3D world with all the promise of secrets and mystery that you knew a Zelda game would offer. Wrapped in some of the finest visuals for the time. I was the first to get this game in my group of friends. We all played games together so much and we would take turns playing and figuring out strats and experiencing these kinds of games together. That's one thing I
  12. 8. Metal Gear Solid 3 What a thrill One of my favorite stories in gaming... amazingly memorable characters.. incredible boss fights.. gorgeous soundtrack and voice acting... and quite possible the best ending to any video game ever. MGS3 is peak Metal Gear... Kojima at his best
  13. 9. Super Mario Bros 3 This is pretty much a no brainer. Anyone who was alive and remotely into video games around the time this released knew just how big of a deal it was. This game had it all. New visuals, new physics, new powerups, new boss enemies and a metric shit ton of secrets to discover. The artstyle is also timeless imo. This game influenced so many... There's not much else to say about this game other than it's among the very best of the genre. Absolute classic.
  14. Look guys! It's Jill!! \ lmfao twinky
  15. Doesn't even look close you fuckhead
  16. The GPU isn't what needs future proofing... it's storage.
  17. No... I clearly addressed that you were too cheap to buy an adapter. You said you considered emulation, but the reason you didn't is because you think setting up a Wiimote would be some big ordeal. In reality it's the simplest thing. Again... not my fault you're too cheap to buy an adapter, or too lazy to have actually finished hacking your Wii after you started. Who starts hacking something then stops part way through? It literally takes less than 15min....
  18. You made a big deal about the amount of effort it would require to connect a Wiimote to a PC... and it's literally as easy as pushing a sync button. Not my fault you're too lazy and cheap to do either of the things you've proposed to set out to do.
  19. The Wiimote connects via bluetooth... And you can use any old wii sensor bar. I have a battery powered cordless one that I use whenever I want to play Wii games on my PC
  20. RE3 Remake Jill is absolutely the new definitive Jill model for me. I like what they did with her and Carlos in RE3 Remake. Seeing Jill in her classic STARS outfit in this game left me with no doubt. I hope we get a new game with Jill sometime in the future
  21. Max Payne That game was so incredible for the time. Great pick
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