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Everything posted by Remij

  1. NO IT DOESN'T Just about beat... does not mean "beat" or "just beat".... it means it ALMOST beat. Especially when RIGHT AFTER he's sure to clarify that FF7RB is on one platform vs 3 for DD2... That's meant to show that while DD2 barely beat FF7RB.. it was on 3 platforms vs 1. OMG
  2. Nope.. not going to work. You said I stated something I didn't. So you're wrong there. And regardless of whether one does or does not agree with "physical is dead"... it doesn't change the fact that it wasn't me.. or even us, saying that the data Mat posted wasn't a good comparison. That was literally you guys.. and you did that because you were butthurt because you thought that Mat was either stupid.... or that he was purposefully skewing the data. LOL you're boxed in dude. You did it to yourself. Next time don't let your butthurt cloud your ability to reason.
  3. I kept bringing up the UK shit.... IN ADDITION to what the European result is.... because we argued about BOTH retard DD2 > FF7RB in the UK... AND Europe. And LOL slight wording change.... more like CORRECTION. LOL dipshit
  4. Oh? And which stores you talking about? Every physical section around here is a shadow of it's former self. 90% shitty merchandise 10% games. It's only a matter of time until these stores all cave dude. You think these trade ins are great... but the stores that do them are literally dying. There's absolutely no stores around here which do midnight launches anymore. I'm not saying there aren't some which don't do them.. but it's so few and far between now. Not even GTA6 will have a midnight launch around here.
  5. Oh yea, you're scrambling hard alright You said this: I never did anything of the sort. And you're trying to change the subject to be about whether I agree with "physical being dead" Mat didn't clear up anything for me dipshit... he cleared it up for YOU.. and the other butthurt people who were trying to discredit him for not making the comparison you wanted him to make I called out what you did EXACTLY. You got butthurt claiming that he was either stupid for making the comparison he did, or that he was purposefully skewing information to m
  6. No I'm not. I know you're aware that the 6 vs 2 week comparison is from the UK.. and that it's not all of europe. That doesn't matter.. NO.. FF7RB 2 weeks alone IS NOT AHEAD OF DD. Get that through your fucking head. ReRead what he wrote. What do you think "Comparing the first two weeks on sale for both games, Final Fantasy just about beat Dragon’s Dogma. means you dipshit... IT JUST ABOUT BEAT DD2.... meaning that it DIDN'T.. but ALMOST... Jesus fucking christ
  7. LOL and here he goes again. Tell me WHERE I said anything about ANY of that... dipshit It was a chart about industry spend on software over the past 5 years... The only people trying to spin things are butthurt cows and sheep trying to discredit Mat by saying he's stupid and purposefully skewing the data so it looks worse for physical..
  8. LMFAO this dumbass thought "FF7RB just about beat DD2" meant that it sold more And to top that off... as I already said... Chris Dring confirmed that "counting all sales for both games... DD2 is ahead". That's 6 weeks vs 2 weeks... FF7RB's sales dropped off a fucking cliff hard. Then Zhuge came in and said... yea... it's selling way worse... only about 1/2 of Remake and has an even worse tail. YIKES Gooby
  9. If it's not accepting any charge from the Dock, then it's not an issue with the USB C port itself... I was going to suggest just fixing it yourself if it was just a break in the solder on the pins that connect the port to the motherboard. Happens lots with USB C ports. I just recently (a few months ago) fixed one of my Xbox Series controllers which would only connect if I pushed the connected cable far in one direction in the port. It would flex the port and make the connection to the pins. So I took it apart and resoldered the one pin that wasn't connected and worked good as new.
  10. Says the guy who got 15min from the end of FF7 Rebirth and dropped it cause it pissed him off lmfao cows are lying to themselves so fucking hard
  11. Dragon's Dogma 2 sold far more in the first 2 weeks than the original Dragon's Dogma did. Think about how much less DD2 cost to make than Rebirth. Think about what FF7Rebirth selling half of Remake is going to mean for the 3rd and final part. Think of the fact that SquareEnix has no franchise more popular than Final Fantasy, and Rebirth is part of the most popular game within that series. And LOL you guys keep saying Xbox gamers don't buy games... so it's really like 1 platform vs 2. And Chris Dring already said "give DD2 4 more weeks and it'll be about even with FF7Rb on PS5
  12. This is my take on it too. Seems like Nintendo is gearing up to strengthen their bonds with AAA publishers for Switch 2.
  13. LOL weak response dumbo You're literally doubling down on exactly what I said you were doing... "bubu you're trying to spin it " LOL
  14. Just what the FUCK do you think that sentence means dipshit? He's saying Final Fantasy ALMOST beat Dragon's Dogma 2 you FUCKING ABSOLUTE RETARD Dragon's Dogma 2 sold more in the first 2 weeks than FF7 Rebirth did... and you're fucking doubling down like a dipshit
  15. Lol... are you an idiot? You just confirmed DD2 sold more in the first 2 weeks. That's not saying FF7Rebirth has sold more We already know that ALL sales captured for both... has DD2 on top.
  16. Well if someone is making threads about the amazing sales of a game, it would be expected that the person actually has an interesting in playing the game... as a general rule. Jon typically is playing the Xbox games he talks about. It's an honest observation to see that there are a number of people here who never speak about playing the games they brag about. I don't know why it's so bad to call that stuff out... especially while those people constantly criticize the games you actually ARE playing. It's not ALL people all the time... but it's a typical thing that happens here.
  17. Oh please... like as if multiple people don't circle jerk each other in Xbox hating threads all while claiming I'm a lemming and feeding off each other
  18. You're literally proving the point though that in one thread, it's all about the sales... such as Helldivers 2 sales threads, and then in this thread when commenting about FF7Rebirths sales.. you made it about us not playing it
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