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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No more normal maps Billions of polygons I told y'all geometry would be through the roof next gen
  2. You're forgetting that I can emulate the WiiU version But I wont. I'll play the superior Steam version. The best version of the game
  3. So what I'm getting is that the Switch version is inferior to the WiiU. Gotcha. And you still have your WiiU copy? That's GREAT!
  4. Seems like SWITCH is the one that got the inferior port... of a WiiU game
  5. Zen 3 CPU 12-16 cores RTX 3080Ti 16GB VRAM 32GB DDR4 x570 MOBO PCIE 4.0 7GB/s NVMe SSD New Nvidia software stack and drivers... DirectX 12 Ultimate... DirectStorage file I/O system...
  6. lol RTX will accelerate their Lumen GI tech
  7. Nope. I hyped Nintendo losing a 8/10 exclusive. The fact that we're now seeing it's "true score" changes nothing about that. What's happening here is that YOU are learning that Nintendo's shit is overrated. TSHBR. Exclusive lost... and it revealed the Nintendo exclusive overrating bias. Lmao... you're even at the point where you're trying to blame "the port" as the fault...
  8. There's no contradiction to my way of thinking dude. The 4/10 shows that it was overrated on WiiU. And guess what... that can be true... and I can still laugh in the Sheep's face that they lost their game I'm laughing right now
  9. Sorry but I can't do whatever the fuck I want It doesn't matter if I liked the game or not. The game scored a 4... it's a fucking flop, and shows how overrated games are when they are on Nintendo. Now... it's either that... or it's not a fucking flop... and the WiiU score is fair... which means that the Sheep are still raped because they lost this exclusive. Either way the sheep are raped dude... you're not getting out of that one.
  10. Huh? TSHBR because regardless of the score... they lost an exclusive. This 4.0 game is the same game that released before.... It just goes to show how completely fucking overrated this shit was because it's on a Nintendo console that was begging for scraps
  11. Just goes to show you how overrated Nintendo games are when they are exclusive
  12. I love how the WiiU doesn't exist
  13. It's trendiness dude..lmfao... and their markets are merged... and we're quarantined... Nobody here talks about this shit. If there are sheep here playing it... its because they have some sense of duty to eat the shit that Nintendo regurgitates for them. You're not convincing anyone dude. Nobody HERE gives a shot about this game. I don't care how many quarantine kids and their mothers are playing it... all you have to talk about with this game is sales... which is exactly what you're doing now.. despite that I'm not contesting the fact that the game is selling well.
  14. Nobody played AC here... the friend code thread is ironically more deserted of sheep than the game's island.. The only talk...is sales. Funny.. are people going around and bragging about the sales of DOOM and HLA? More people here played HLA ffs... and it requires VR and only sold a million... AC sells well because Nintendo merged their markets... its the only Nintendo game released this year so far... and people right now can seriously relate to being deserted apart from others.. The Switch overhyped train continues. Casual sheep are eating it up.
  15. Nobody eagerly talked about this game. Alphonse made a thread, and NO SHEEP responded, and the rest of us laughed... Dude... did you actually READ those threads you posted? Nobody is ANY of those threads gives a shit about these games
  16. Because there's no more handheld market... They've merged their markets under a single platform... Trying to act like you don't understand that isn't going to help you... And Switch currently has a hype wave around it like no other. This as well as the current state of the world was essentially the perfect storm for this game to sell insane amounts... It also helps when Animal Crossing is essentially the ONLY game Nintendo has released this year so far... Sheep are hungry as fuck for ANYTHING. And nobody here is an Animal Crossing fan. Get real. You "like" this shit because i
  17. It does hold up... and like I said... it's riding the Switch wave. You had WiiU games that sold like shit... then they released the same games on Switch, and sold millions and millions.... The fact is that Nintendo has both of their markets together now.. and this is a game that works very well for both markets. At the end of the day... it's a lame game. We all know that... which is why I poke fun at it all the time. You're not playing it Jehurey... and neither are most of the other people on this forum. It appeals to a wide range of people... casual gamers are th
  18. It's impressive for sure. Nintendo found the ultimate way to merge their handheld franchises which reach huge markets, and their console business, which allows them to charge higher prices. Any shit Nintendo releases at the moment simply rides the wave... and people eat this shit up.
  19. Yea, they did some fixing to the more egregious errors. And yea, Midgar goes by quick. I recently played it before the Remake was released and even taking my time and talking to multiple NPCs and fighting most fights and got to Shinra HQ within like 3h or so. It's definitely not as grande of a section as you'd remember from your childhood, that's for sure. Still shits on the remake though
  20. It was a good game. I think some valid criticism of the game is that it still leans far too heavily into the typical Gears gameplay loops and doesn't do enough to push the franchise ahead. Like Mal said, the open world aspect could have been a nice idea if it was implemented better... but they didn't really take advantage of it in the end and it feels like it was just there to separate the levels a bit so they could claim that they were "expanding" the scope of the game or something like that. An issue I had was "the choice" that you had to make.. as well as other parts of the st
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