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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Not my speculation.. I didn't start the rumor fuckhead.. "insiders" were posting about it on twitter. Learn the difference
  2. I wasn't speculating about that. I posted news fuckhead. Learn the difference. I specifically said in the OP that it means nothing... .LMAO TRY AGAIN BRO... you're DESPERATE!!!
  3. FF7R being a thing was a fantasy at one point too.. same with RE2 Remake. LMAO you guys can't seem to have fun and speculate about anything without being desperate for ownage of some kind. You guys must be the kind of people that literally get disappointed when the things you want don't get announced... which is why you never have fun speculating about anything... and instead just call out others for having some fun. That's literally all Goukosan and Jehurey do on this forum... wait for people to say things, and then attack them... because they are desperate to.. and
  4. Only when they pertain to Xbox.... apparently. Because you're DESPERATE to own lemmings.. And now EVERY CHANCE YOU GET... you try to claim I'm a lemming... because I don't spend the entirety of my time here hating on them like you do... so now I'm "one of them" to you.
  5. I can't be down with this list at all lmao. ALttP at 22? WTF
  6. You're right... it didn't start there. And it would be awesome.. Me saying that is NOT me saying that I think that's what the announcement would be. Again... you're DESPERATE to own me with something... so far as to try to call out every single time I speculate about something.... oh wait... that's only so long as it pertains to Xbox... you never say shit any other time... wonder why?
  7. Who the fuck comes up with these designs? lmfao
  8. All it takes is a single tweet about something big happening... and every Sheep is INSTANTLY in the thread... DESPERATE for ownage because other people are speculating what it could be.
  9. You ignored the OP too... and I called you out for it. lmao selective reading to try and claim ownage... again SO DESPERATE
  10. But I'm not expecting it to happen... so those aren't dreams... those are thoughts.... in response to what SOMEONE ELSE said. Idiot
  11. Jason Shreier leaving kotaku! Absolutely NUTS!! What a fuckhead.
  12. Another idiot who didn't read the OP and is desperate for some "ownage" That's the OP.... Damn... looks like I said it was probably BS from the start
  13. No... as I already said before... absolutely nothing has changed lmao. You can't crush me with things that I'm not expecting to happen in the first place.... idiot... but you SURE ARE DESPERATE TO TRY
  14. Both confirmations that I said it's happening... right? Dumbass
  15. So like I said.... saying that something WOULD be awesome is the same as saying it's going to happen? lmao fucking idiot. You're such a garbage ass poster these days dude.. and it's all because you're 100% butthurt, probably because I made fun of Switch or something
  16. Yea, because me responding and saying something would be cool is me making a claim that it's coming.... despite multiple times posting ITT "Be real... it's not that".... which you of course conveniently omit from your post. You're as desperate a Jehurey is and Xbox lives in your brain rent free... they're not even charging a dollar for it
  17. Yea, pretty much. I'm not expecting too much other than lighting changes and some improved textures.
  18. Disappointing that it's for current gen consoles. It would have been better as a proper next gen game. Oh well.. I guess we'll have to see how improved it is over the original.
  19. Considering I created the thread, spoke about the SEGA rumor directly in this thread, and you've referred to me as a lemming in the past... responding to you and calling out your bullshit is not an admission of anything... In fact.. you actually confirm you were speaking to myself as well in your second post... by quoting me directly and responding with confirming that you were referring to me as well. Not mentioning me by name shows just how pussy you are in an attempt to "own" lemmings. A person doesn't have to be a lemming to make a guess about what an announceme
  20. lol.. jfc They'll never get that far. Unless they're mostly already done and are just trickling them out over time.
  21. Oh noes!!! I exposed myself and Jehurey is calling me out on it!! How will I ever show my face here again???! So embarrassed!!! Fucking idiot And that's despite me multiple times saying... "nah it's not that"... after SOMEONE ELSE brought it up. lmao..saying how cool it would be is apparently "they're probably doing it" Yea... this dude's not completely desperate to "own" lemmings at every opportunity he can or nothing..
  22. WTF 8 of them?! I thought it was like 4 or 5 lol
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