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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I could say the same thing about dumbass Shreier... calling tomorrow crazy and for people to stay tuned..
  2. I completely agree with Madmal. Nioh is definitely more loot based than any Souls like game.. but it's not even close to a dungeon crawler hack and slash like Diablo. The core gameplay is FAR closer to Souls than Diablo and would definitely appeal to those players. I've never heard anyone suggest that if someone like Diablo they play Nioh, or vice versa lmao
  3. Yea... theories went WILD in this thread. Absolutely CRAZY! People brought up rumors that have been going on for a long time that could POSSIBLY be what a "a little crazy" news could be... If by "why do lemmings do this to themselves" you mean... have to listen to you say your stupid spiel like as if anyone here gives a FUCK what you think.. then yea I don't know Guess what happened after the lemmings desperately speculated about this crazy" announcement........ nothing. Absolutely nothing changed. LMAO... you're SO desperate to hate on lemmings for every littl
  4. Yea, his subsequent posts pretty much confirmed it wasn't that.
  5. Seems like it could just be some bullshit Kotaku thing... maybe the 3 of them are leaving and forming their own thing? It's a joint announcement from them so I guess it can't be anything worthwhile... lmao if that's all it is
  6. Let's be real though... it's not going to be that. lol
  7. Would be hilarious... ...and awesome Imagine Xbox having Persona, SMT, Yakuza, Sonic, and all the other Sega IP.. like Bayonetta
  8. I'd love to see MS buy SEGA and then bring Persona to Xbox and PC just to spite Bodycount
  9. Something like that yea. I dunno though, because both Sony and MS just very recently said that things are still on track for Holiday launches. But if it's going to "be nuts" then it has to be something that people aren't expecting imo.. Maybe Sony purchased a big developer or something? I dunno.. lol.
  10. Think so? I'm thinking something to do with PS5 maybe?
  11. I had a problem with special attacks missing when they clearly should have landed... and by that I mean going in some fucked up direction completely other than where I expected them to go. Also it's retarded that enemy AI always attacks the character you're playing as... lmao
  12. Yea.. it's called a promotion.. with a single company... with specific parts. It's not like this is some PC-wide shit where you buy any part and you getting gamepass with everything.
  13. 3700X will do just fine. With DirectStorage and other technologies coming to PC as well as XSX, you're going to have no problem
  14. It was... up until the last 2 or so chapters... I don't see what's so hard to understand. I'm honest about games I like and when I don't. Just because FF7 is my favorite game of all time, doesn't mean FF7R gets a free pass for fucking up.
  15. lmao I've never heard of that brand before. I'm sure it's fine, as long as it reaches the advertised speeds, I wouldn't worry about it. I would probably go with 32GB RAM though if I'm honest. Next gen games could use more system RAM to store more of the game at once so that the storage bandwidth isn't thrashed. I mean.. you'll probably be fine with 16GB.. but 32 would future proof and that shit is cheap as fuck lol
  16. I'll do one better and try to just not talk about it at all and forget it exists
  17. Ohhhhhhh fuck yea they did. The game is amazing, up until the last 2 or so chapters... even though looking back you can see all the little hints at the fuckery to come throughout the game. Oh well... the original is still pristine and glorious. That's never changing.
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