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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Sega confirmed it was "an error"
  2. It's like you missed the OP or something where I alluded to it being bullshit
  3. Not necessarily. Sony may have an exclusivity period. And that Zhuge guy liked the tweets... you can bet any insiders would be quick to deny this if it wasn't happening.. we'll know soon enough
  4. I definitely will. It's a great game... just not one I would play again over other brand new games <3
  5. Summons were disappointing to me. I mean how they function... not how they are represented. I love the designs and everything... but yes the lack of them hurts it for me. But in the end I understand it.. This game goes above and beyond what I could have imagined in so many aspects.. somethings had to give. As for Limit Breaks, I wasn't too concerned because the combat is so fun regardless. There's still plenty they can do in the future... the possibilities are literally endless
  6. LOL Persona 5 Royal was just listed for PC too
  7. Oh... well as long as you realize you come from a completely different place... then like I already said in my first post... I'm sure you'll enjoy it... even if you ARE lost as to what's actually going on
  8. I loved the game until the last 2 chapters too
  9. lol.. give me a break. I mean.. I will like it more... because it'll be running at 100+fps and look far better without the horrible texture streaming issues and mods will fix up some of the uglier textures... so of course I will... But it's not changing the story and what they've done to it
  10. I did too.. for 85% of the time. Most of it was amazing... till they did the fuckery
  11. It's one only Square could manage to fuck up this badly
  12. Yea.. idiot. I expected some.... not what I got. Play the fucking game moron instead of trolling me...
  13. Oh fuck off with this dude... I expect changes...
  14. Well... I'm disappointed as fuck. They completely ruined this thing for me. I can't believe I'm saying that as most of the game was great... but the ending and where they are going with this has completely turned me off of the game. What a bunch of fucking bullshit. I guess new fans of the series, and more open minded people might be happy... but I'd be lying if I said I was. Plain and simple. For FUCK sakes
  15. I fucking love these... omfg Carlos' faces get me every time!
  16. I'm not a very hard person to please.. in all honesty. I know I'm going to like/love the series... that's pretty much a given. I don't analyze shows and things like that to the extent that some of you do, I'm sure. I just like binge watching good shows. That said... I do know and appreciate what shows like this have done.. elevating the medium above what's come before. I'm definitely going to watch it... when is really the only question. lol
  17. Yea... she totally hasn't been brought up to hate white people and think that all whites are racist........ She's completely impartial and just speaking the truth!!
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