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Everything posted by Remij

  1. That's awesome. The Last of Old Yeller
  2. Damn, the Forza Horizon inspiration is strong with this one.
  3. Indeed. You must be feeling the exact same way I felt when I played it. It's bullshit... and it ruined any chance of me really giving a shit about the future parts. As hyped as I was, and as much of a fan I am of the original... there was no fucking way I'd lie to myself and try to convince myself to like what they've done.
  4. Fucking IGN should know better than to post an article like this based off this xbox showing... lmao... they're all current gen games optimized to take advantage of some of the Series X features like fast loading and much faster framerates. This shit wasn't what next gen is going to be Twinblade... I'm gonna throw this back in your face homie
  5. A couple of them looked pretty cool. They're all just current gen games with faster framerates though. We'll have to wait a bit to see real, built for next gen games.
  6. Didn't you just recently make a post about it hopefully not ruining the launch of the ps4 version.. hoping it was timed exclusive?
  7. LMAO yakuza 7 coming to PC and Xbox day 1... @Bodycount VII HBFR
  8. Sea of Thieves is a great game. It deserves to be rereviewed more than any other at this point.
  9. Switch came out because WiiU failed BIG TIME The greatest magic trick Nintendo has ever pulled was convincing the idiots that didn't buy a WiiU to buy a Switch.... by selling them with the same games they released on the WiiU. And Switch outsold Xbox because they merged their handheld and console markets... I already established that with your bitch ass
  10. I love that this is what you're arguing.. probably because I think you've lost every other argument
  11. Was gonna post this because I thought to myself... you know, that's a pretty bold statement Neil... then I realized it was Neil Cuckmann
  12. Remember when you said you were selling your TV because there was no use for it anymore since you got a Switch?
  13. Imagine being smug about the fact that the only reason why Switch was released when it did is because WiiU was THAT terrible Xbox hasn't sunken so far yet to emergency release a new console because their previous one sold like dirt
  14. Excuse me sir, but this is the woman's tee off box. You need to tee off with the other men! I told you it's MA'AM The end.
  15. The penis length and girth vales on PC are going to be out of this world. My cock is gonna block out the sun. RTX is gonna be needed to cast that big of a shadow
  16. Awesome transformation. Good on her, and yep.. fuck those fatasses who would try and tear her down for becoming healthy.
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