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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I would have preferred Code Veronica.. but if they can manage to fix the shit show that is RE4, then that's fine too. Hopefully they change it up quite a bit and make the ridiculous characters a bit less so. Hopefully it's a fully next gen game too.
  2. Liking lights is pretty tame compared to PS fans drawing anime girls in the shape or form of their new controller
  3. I really would love this.. especially if it didn't drain battery to badly and brightness could be adjusted.
  4. Yea I have one. Anyone who pays $200 for one deserves to be smacked upside the head.
  5. I just tried the game again at 1620p maxed out and I was getting over 150fps
  6. I'll help you set yours up when you make the switch.
  7. LOL.. visual rendering instructions aren't handled by the CPU? lmao that's news to me Resolution of course wont affect the CPU much at all.. that's completely different. But higher visual settings definitely impacts the CPU. That said... I don't think there's much of a difference in the visual quality in RE3 Remake between the two consoles that would bog one CPU that much more than the other. Yes, X1X has some slightly higher settings, but nothing substantial at all... it's not like it's rendering longer draw distances or higher quality textures and thin
  8. I mean, it's not much of a victory when the X1X is essentially running the same visual and performance parameters as the PS4 PRO. I mean, if the CPU is the problem, then they should have been able to hit higher resolutions than they chose while maintaining the same performance. X1X should have managed around 1800cb or so.. When you're at the 40-47fps range, who really gives a shit between a few frames? You'll noticed the same level of performance... it's not like one is at 60 locked while the other is constantly dipping to 55 or so.. which is FAR more noticeable. That said...
  9. It is quite funny that it's right there in the official PS video of it... but I doubt they care. It's a year away.
  10. I was gonna post this. lmao.. PC version confirmed. That said... I'm 5 hours into the game and this is everything I could have hoped for and more... omfg I can't believe it
  11. I'm pretty sure the footage from this game that's been shown is from a years old build iirc. Apparently the game has vastly improved visually.
  12. They should be fine. They're not big motors swinging weights around constantly... and as far as the resistance.. I'm not worried at all, there's not going to be so much of a range that it's going to wear out. I guess we'll have to wait and see, but I'm sure they will be fine. Battery life with all these lights, features, and mics and everything else is my biggest concern at this point. I have a feeling anything around or slightly better than a DS4 battery life will be good enough for Sony I hope I'm wrong.
  13. This is exactly what has me so excited about it. The haptic feedback in the grips, and the adaptive triggers with varying ranges of resistance. It's going to be amazing.
  14. Tell that to the console fags that whine every time a game of theirs comes to PC.. or brag when other faction's games come to PC about why there's no reason to own a console if those games are on PC.. lol That's the reality here. Xbox is useless because PC.... right? It's absolutely true.
  15. Yep. I agree. I'm over it. TLOU is far better gameplay wise, and is more interesting. UC4 was a let down for me, but it did a good job at tying things up in a decent way. There's no need for any more. Make some new shit.
  16. Aren't they creating a new studio specifically for that though? lol
  17. New game with the latest technology > Rehashed 100+h time sink
  18. Duh. Where are you idiots getting that I'm against it? If they were coming to PC.. I wouldn't give a shit about PS5... just like you guys wouldn't too
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