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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yeah, but you played the inferior version... you know... the one with all the graphics options turned to...ON......
  2. And you play PS games too... because most of your damage control against lemmings is that Playstation is better and sold more. You run to PS every time Nintendo doesn't get a game... which is often... Of course sheep play PS games... because as I've said... you can't just own a Switch... otherwise you're stuck playing Animal Crossing and indie games this year Jon just does to you what you do to him. And it's ok... you can claim I'm a lemming all you want... that doesn't change the fact that I play all my Xbox games on PC, emulate Nintendo games
  3. Gets insulted by a Hermit... has no comeback (It's gonna be ok... just keep pretending he's a lemming! You can do this!) Uhh "..... - Lemij" Goukosanimal crossing
  4. You're talking about xbox cause you cant help it. And the Switch version IS gimped. All console versions are in fact. Less options... and higher input lag than the Steam version I'm playing.. you're all gimped in my eyes Still waiting on those Nintendo games doe
  5. Talking about xbox in a Nintendo thread... because there's nothing Nintendo to talk about
  6. The fact that you think I give a shit about that Especially since I have the Steam version
  7. It'll be ok. Go catch some fish, or make a new fence. Try talking to the neighbors.. I'm sure they've got LOTS to talk about.
  8. You seem pretty butthurt that Nintendo hasn't released fuck all this year, and there's a good chance any game they did plan on releasing will be delayed... meaning that Animal Crossing will be all you had for pretty much all year.
  9. Announcements are not releases... Or do you think Nintendo is going to surprise release Zelda BOTW2 and Metroid Prime 4? Nintendo has had an absolutely TERRIBLE year. Can you imagine it being your ONLY system? lmao... no... you can't. You definitely can't.
  10. Why did the Animals Cross the road? Because that was the only game they were able to play
  11. LMAO... so Animal Crossing is it for this year then What a fucking PATHETIC year for Nintendo.
  12. You're already saying people who don't like it are either emotional fanboys or lemmings and incels who want the game to fail... I'd like to think that you know that I wouldn't want this game to fail... but you're basically accusing me of not wanting to like the game, and going in with a bad attitude towards it with the wrong context... Not that it simply might not be something I like. Keep in mind, it's kinda hard for me to explain to you and have a conversation with you about points of the game which I know about and don't like... when you don't want to know what I'm
  13. to play, or to keep, or to own? for a weekend, or limited time, or forever? So many unanswered questions!
  14. Oh yea.... just like my most anticipated game of all time FF7R
  15. Sure... till then you should stop defending the game as well. Since, of course, you haven't spoiled yourself.
  16. No... if I was super fanboyish, I'd be defending this game blindly like you are, and/or lying to myself that I liked what I saw when it reality I didn't. But with that comment about "people" I was mostly referring to Journalists. You're basically blaming me and that it's my fault I don't like the game. The game is bad... not because it's bad... but because I made it bad by spoiling it... that's your argument against me right now. That's some fanboy shit. You've ALREADY decided that people who don't like the game are incels, emotional fanboys, or lemming
  17. You act like I'm WANTING to hate this game And I can quite honestly say that I've seen enough (1.5h of this game) to know I hate the direction they went with it. I hate the very BASIS of this game's story.... It's lame. I know enough that I don't care about how it ends. You can stop trying to defend the game to me. I REALLY hope you enjoy it though... but I don't trust most people out there to be honest with themselves and admit it even if they don't like it. Naughty Dog can do no wrong after all.
  18. Dude... not everything needs context.... but as I said... there's PLENTY out there. If you don't know and haven't spoiled the game for yourself who the hell are you to say there isn't
  19. Oh fuck off with the emotional shit. I read and watched the leaked shit... and I don't like it. It's that simple. I don't like the entire basis of what this game is built off of. It's stupid. And quite simply... I won't lie to myself about it. I'm just being honest. This was one of my most anticipated games, and much like FF7R for me, they fucked it up. It is what it is.
  20. How about it being so bad that you don't even care what the ending is?
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