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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Remij


    click your name up top - account settings - signature
  2. Remij


    Yea, recently he started posting again.
  3. Remij


    lmao.. these guys aren't sticking around for long or are they
  4. Remij


    Sup Pat. How ya been?
  5. Remij


    lmao what is discord down right now?
  6. Nice that it's a bit beefier than the DS4. I'm most interested in the haptics though. Should be godly.
  7. Sea of Thieves keeps growing. It's also coming to Steam
  8. As for two tone, I really do like this color scheme.
  9. I'm coming around to the design of this thing. I would prefer all black or deep blue, whatever it is. Basically just the same color throughout. Still, from a functionality point of view, it's more exciting than the Series X controller.
  10. Minecraft Dungeons is probably going to be huge. It's apparently pretty good.
  11. I think the real question to ask is.... where does it split? @Team 2019
  12. Yea, this is the main concern I have. But I keep my controllers pretty immaculate. I clean them with Isopropyl Alcohol and toothpicks regularly.
  13. I wonder if this was truly just a random info drop, or if Sony knew MS was planning on revealing something this afternoon on inside Xbox and wanted to steal some of the headlines? Probably nothing on Inside Xbox... but still.
  14. Again, definitely reserving judgement until I get my hands on the thing. Looks for a controller are always secondary to functionality. It sounds like this thing has some killer features. Fuck, if you can feel all sorts of different pulses through your hands on the handles.. it will be amazing. Kudos to Sony for actually doing something a bit different.
  15. Would look better with colored buttons.. ala
  16. What dream features do you think we're talking about? Lighted buttons and haptic feedback? lol the latter is already confirmed.
  17. If the controller has haptic feedback on the handles, that would be AWESOME as fuck. Could end up being my favorite controller. I wonder if there's buttons on the back?
  18. Nice observation. It DOES look like they could be translucent to let light through. That would be bad ass... but obviously the worry would be battery life.
  19. An all black or white one could look cool. I'm gonna reserve judgement until I try it though. It looks like it might be quite nice to hold. I'm interested.... now I just want to see the console design lol
  20. Yea... it's real I wont knock it too bad until I try it though. But it is ugly imo.
  21. Played some Rad Racer 2 today. Blast from the past. God I fucking love the music in that game (there's only 2 tracks but they are both bangers) And damn, these games are hard lol..
  22. The official patch has dropped on all platforms. If you haven't played this game... now is the absolute perfect time. It's essentially perfect now on PC. I'm interested to see how much it's improved on the consoles as well.
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