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Everything posted by Remij

  1. PC SSDs are about to get real fast real quick Thanks Sony. And MS is redesigning the I/O subsystem to fully take advantage of them. Thanks Microsoft.
  2. I wasn't wrong.... I laughed because he said 22GB/s "uncompressed"... which is what I was pointing out was wrong. 22GB/s is referring to the BEST possible compression And it literally NEVER will those speeds in real use.. There's no sense in even talking about that number. Sony will NEVER market it.
  3. Yea. Like.. why the fuck are they not just targeting lower resolutions to hit 60fps? On Series X they might as well just lock the game to 30 because it's not even close to reaching 60fps most of the time. Baffling.
  4. That's the danger about going too exotic with any one part. They'll still be able to take advantage of it in many ways though. Like I said.. I don't think anything one could do would be impossible to do on the other.. with a bit of extra work. A lot of this PS5 SSD stuff to me sounds like they're doing this to just make development life easier for their devs. It removes a lot of the barriers for devs to just realize their visions, instead of spending more time trying to figure out how to make it work. I think it's more that than anything else like as if developers suddenly will
  5. I'm not saying it will. I think with Sony's exotic SSD and sky high GPU frequencies.. it's entirely possible that the costs could actually be higher depending on yields. You trying to say that their SSD being 850GB means they're trying hard doesn't seem right to me. It seems to me like they're literally trying to keep costs in line with what they think their competitor will release at.
  6. lol... they're trying as hard as possible... to wait and see what MS announces as a price..
  7. Only about 10% as per Cerny, right? I think there's not enough information out there about BCPack to honestly judge. Most game data is textures.. if BCPack is better than Kraken, and with Sampler Feedback streaming, it IS possible that MS' implementation could punch above its weight. Not enough to completely offset the PS5's advantage... but mitigate some of it.
  8. That's awesome for Xbox owners no doubt.. but being honest.. it's all about just being able to play the library you have on your new console. Maybe SOME games will get little updates.. who knows.. but as long as the games work properly and essentially max out what their PS4 Pro restrictions were, then they're fine.
  9. Yea probably. Good to hear anyway. They can't be fucking up with their messaging this close to launch.
  10. ^that's Zlib alone, isn't it? With BCPack it's more like 6GB/s. I'm not saying that alone is going to beat Sony's raw advantage. The actual throughput when compressed could be higher, but if MS requires less data to be sent through (not referring to compressed data... but rather the GPU actually requiring less data for textures), it could exponentially improve that number.
  11. You were right. But their wording gave doubt... which was essentially my point. They still don't say AT LAUNCH.
  12. Such a needlessly confusing fuck up on their part. And notice how they STILL don't say "at launch"... Not that I have doubts anymore.. but still... this unclear messaging is baffling.
  13. No we don't... which is why people much more knowledgeable than us are asking questions inquiring about it.
  14. lol well, in his defense, he IS talking about the delta between them.. and not that having a powerful CPU isn't important. But still, I think it will be a bit better than the numbers imply. Sony's "GPU and CPU modes" are throwing a wrench in and solid figures. We'll have to wait and see what happens. Regardless... BOTH will have ample CPU power.
  15. Disable the steam in-game overlay. It fucks with the performance due to how it injects itself on the compute queue. And I'm not just talking about the "fps overlay" I'm talking the whole steam in-game overlay. The game has its own FPS and performance metrics if you want to see what you're getting. It will make a HUGE difference.. and the performance in this game is just...
  16. Who cares? They're about to start getting thrashed real soon.
  17. Anno 1800. My GOD that game thrashes CPUs. Will be so awesome to see what comes from DirectStorage and DX12 Ultimate on the PC side of things.
  18. I mean... this right here is a FUCKING GAME CHANGER. Of course... I was touting this long ago when Nvidia and MS announced it in the DirectX blog. Texture space shading is also a part of this. And I just want to say... I'm finding it hilarious that it really looks like MS, Nividia, and AMD on the PC side are all unifying their feature-set. With DX12.. AMD is basically adhering to the spec that MS and Nvidia put out with RTX.. Literally EVERY feature... DX12 Ultimate is essentially Nvidia, AMD, and MS coming together to push graphics ahead b
  19. It's almost guaranteed that Sony's CPU will almost never run at 3.5GHz though. Alex from Digital Foundry all but confirmed that developers have to choose between 2 modes. One that either prioritizes the CPU, or one that prioritizes the GPU and gives full frequency to said component. Basically he theorized that because the CPU gains are already going to be so massive over the previous gen, that developers will almost always opt to prioritize GPU frequencies over the CPU. I definitely agree with him if that's the case. In which case we could be looking at ~600mhz.. wh
  20. Maybe a question we should start asking is exactly WHY MS opted to go with the SSD they did instead of something faster.. As I've said before... THOSE ARE SEQUENTIAL READ numbers.... NOT Random Reads... In actual practice, both drives could be VERY SIMILAR performance-wise. MS may have a theoretically slower drive... but PERHAPS they don't need to have that bandwidth to store the same amount of data in a similar amount of time???? MS's new I/O architecture may just have capabilities that Sony's doesn't...
  21. It's a stunning game, and just imagine what Playground Games will be capable of with the Series X and PC in the future
  22. It's not cancelled. Jez Corden just teased it the other day.
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