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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Switch don't have tensor cores my nigga
  2. Guys... this is a 4x upscale... that means 1 of every 4 pixels is actually rendered. The rest are generated using the Deep Learning Neural Network algorithm. They have the neural network down to 1.5ms which is 2x as fast as it was before... and the quality is VASTLY improved. The pics are from a really awesome technical dive into DLSS2.0 and how it improves over their previous implementations and how it's integrated into games. https://developer.nvidia.com/gtc/2020/video/s22698 Having incredibly fast tensor cores (int8, int4) will be integral to
  3. You should really edit the title to say "includes massive spoilers" because that shit full of them breh.
  4. I'm sure they'll look better in motion.. but yea I agree. They also have a LOT of film grain.
  5. Why not? Windows central DOES have developer sources. If they're saying they're hearing the same thing from various sources.... then it doesn't matter if one of them quoted something from some unknown person. That's on them... not on me. Windows Central ARE legitimate though.. they have connections. I don't give a shit if they're right or wrong. I've also posted about how devs have been praising PS5 for how easy it is to work with... again... I don't give a shit right or wrong.
  6. Talk to Daniel Rubino about it Goobersan... he's not my source... I don't work in journalism
  7. Yea that's very true. But I mean in how he's constantly stalking you in every room other than safe rooms for a portion. Nemesis isn't really like that in RE3. He's far more limited, and set piece type in RE3. He comes and goes.
  8. lmfao. He's very scripted in the game I've heard. Not like Mr. X at all.
  9. It would hitch for a half second right as the white light was coming in on my PC anyway as the transition was happening. Now the transition is perfectly smooth. Much better and quicker loading. It bodes well for the Xbox versions whenever they drop the patch.
  10. I didn't have any issues either really overall. Just a couple bugs, but now it's way faster loading and teleporting. Exclusive fullscreen mode at 165fps is a treat with this game. So smooth.
  11. You have to enter a code to get the beta access.. it's all on the steam forums for the game so I'm not going to link it. You can obviously just wait for the patch to go live anyway but... It adds an exclusive fullscreen mode, resolution slider to 200% and everything loads much faster than before. Like night and day really. The map itself loads much faster, and the transition sequence when teleporting is now perfectly. As for bug fixes I can't really be sure because I've already 100%'d the game.. but I assume lots of stuff has been fixed. I'll find out on my next pla
  12. Don't worry... more are coming.
  13. While I think there could/will be flashbacks.. I don't think that picture indicates that. It's clearly Tommy on the other horse and he has the same jacket that he does in the new scenes with him and Ellie.
  14. There it is. Oh well... much more important shit to worry about than that. Plenty of games to play in the meantime.
  15. People on ResetERA have mixed feelings about it. Apparently they don't like that Clouds a player and Jessie comes on to him really strong.. lmao
  16. Running at 4K 40-50fps is "running like shit"? Coming from a sheep that's hilarious
  17. It is great. It shows they cared enough to release the game on the platform... unlike Switch... and we know it wouldn't run any better on Switch
  18. And I'm not sure why he's droning on about optimization... the numbers make sense for the resolutions being pushed given each set of hardware. Resolution has nothing to do with optimization on an engine level. I can have the most optimized engine on PC ever, and bumping up the resolution past a point will always tank performance... It's a simple matter of different targets for different platforms. Capcom probably thinks Xbox fans, more specifically X1X fans, care more about resolution and higher graphical settings.. hence the bias towards that instead of maintaining close to 60
  19. But at least they cared enough to release it on the platform unlike a certain other platform... which is what I'm saying.
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