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Everything posted by Remij

  1. PS5 has a few TFlops less performance than Series X
  2. Obviously that's referring to the XO backwards compatibility.. All games that work on XO.. will work on Series X and be better and load faster. That was MS' message.
  3. All original Xbox and 360 games THAT WORK ON XO....... will work and be better on Series X. Jesus.. I thought that was obvious... but I guess I had to spell it out.
  4. Yea. The upcoming GPUs from both sides are going to be beasts on 7nm
  5. No mention of Variable Rate Shading... they did refer to primitive shaders though, which is good.
  6. The games that work on XO... will work and be better and load faster on Series X.
  7. I agree. But as a first impression... it's pretty mixed. In comparison MS showed the box, and a game supposedly running on the hardware. Looked amazing.. and then imo, they released a more concise and clear message about the hardware and capabilities. It's early yet.. and the games will be shown soon enough... but I do think MS handled this better.
  8. People are already confused over this BC shit. Different "boost modes" "legacy mode", some titles yes and others no... ect ect MS on the other hand says.. all your XO, 360, and OG games will work, will have resolution increases and load faster. Jesus... the difference is staggering.
  9. That cost would be more than offset by improved manufacturing processes and efficiencies of all the components of the system over that time.... Adding a m.2 port is nothing. They could even probably just make a little adapter
  10. It's still the first presentation of the hardware to the general public. It would be better digested if it was shown off, rather than just tech talk.
  11. Oh I see what you mean. I thought you were talking about PS5 games.. my bad. It's probably going to never boost to that high for BC mode.
  12. It can give you 1.8TF less performance than Series X's GPU.. under the best circumstances
  13. Yea over time... Just in time for MS to refresh the console and add an M.2 slot for storage because the drives that support them will be widely available
  14. Gotta agree. And talking about ears for 10min at the end didn't help
  15. That's a bit better then... but only a bit. Still seems messy and nothing is guaranteed to run properly
  16. Yea, I think so. If MS could hit with the right games around launch... they could swing a few. It will take years of solid consistency though to really make a difference.
  17. Both consoles have access to the metal... Not sure what you mean by tradeoff though. What did they have to sacrifice?
  18. Eh.. not sure about that... but that's got to be a big disappointment to a lot of the PS fanboys out there. We all expected PS4 games to just work... anyone who say's they weren't is lying.
  19. That's actually a HUGE disappointment. @Team 2019
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