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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Sounds like the video is going to be almost an hour long
  2. Starts in about 85min. Hopefully we get an actual decent look at the architecture and features that PS5 will bring. Either way, this should end a lot of debates online lol. Sounding like 9TFs is true Which is fine... because I'm more interested in the hardware features and efficiencies. If they have some new kind of upscaling tech like DLSS or something that will have the machine push far past it's "TF" weight. We shall know soon
  3. Game looks fucking amazing. This MIGHT actually end up better than RE2 Remake.. possibly.
  4. People are speculating either Techland or Asobo. I personally think it's Asobo.. the makers of A Plague Tale: Innocence, and the upcoming Flight Simulator 2020. Either one would be a good pickup though.
  5. Snappy as is loading fast, or snappy as in rendering and scrolling? NOTHING compares to the original Edge for rendering/scrolling. It completely shits on any other browser out there.. Just go and compare it to Edge on chromium.. the difference is huge. Chromium based browsers are better though for other obvious reasons... but as far as actual rendering speed and scrolling. The original Edge is far and away the best.
  6. Sounds like a pretentious fuckhead's take
  7. I said "How the fuck can you say you never said 300 when you said 'a few'........... because that's what "a few" normally means.. since there's a more specific way to say 2. You can't say you DIDN'T mean 300... because you weren't specific enough in the first place... dipshit. It's open to interpretation. I took it as 300 You clarified it after as 200... in which I responded with "first it was 300, now it's 200..." and then after "....and now you're at 150." And you're so fucking MAD that I used your own ambiguity against you... Regardless.. 150 is no longer "a
  8. I love the look of the Series X. It's 2 Gamecubes together, essentially. The devkit looks boring and just like One and One X. I mean.. if you're going to have a console naming convention as fucked up as MS has with Xbox One S and X, and Xbox Series X... you better at least make sure the console looks different enough so nobody would be confused lol..
  9. LOL... A+ on the effort for trying to rationalize Sony going 3rd party
  10. A few is open to interpretation... I took it as $300 dipshit... like any normal person would... That doesn't mean that I didn't know that a few could mean 2. After you said that I immediately said "200=300" It should be said again though... nobody would EVER say $200 is a few hundred.. unless it's someone looking to dodge saying something fucking stupid like 200=a few hundred
  11. I did know that... You need to be more specific next time when you say "a few" if you dont want people to assume 3... consider that something YOU learned today
  12. It's strange for sure. Maybe they're really loud? Anyway... when looking at the devkits for both like that... it could explain why Sony possibly has their console clocked higher than MS. 2GHz could be a reality lol.
  13. Well, I'm sure they could do both. That's kind of the beauty of it. For people who's internet could only support 1080p60 streams, you have 4 instances.. for people who pay more, perhaps they'll have an full instance all to themselves?
  14. A few can = 3... You left it open to interpretation by saying a few first.. If you always meant $200... then you should have said that from the start lmao all up in here calling me illiterate
  15. So the demo was running anywhere between 30 and 60fps, but MS gave DF a video encoded at 30fps. That pretty much means that they didn't want people to see the fluctuating framerate and have it look like the console was struggling with a "basic" looking game like Minecraft. Understandable.. but to put in perspective.. a 2060 runs RTX Minecraft over 60fps at 1080p.
  16. You never specified how much your "few" was in the beginning. I took it to mean $300... it doesn't mean I think few always = 3.. You "specified it" after to which I said "oh so now $300 = $200"... you left it open Next time be more specific from the start.. maybe you'll win an argument then edit: and for the record... NOBODY says a few hundred dollars only referring to $200
  17. I know that man... I'm not saying it's not possible.. I'm saying that I don't think they would bother risking having people buy products with the expectation that they will work. It's basically more confusing marketing-wise. It would be a nice bullet point.. but at the end of the day.. you get that same "BC and Storage" functionality out of a USB drive, and it's very clear and understandable. I also think Sony will be keen on using accessories such as expandable storage to make back money potentially lost on the hardware. I dunno though.. we'll see.
  18. I never said a few = 3 like you lied and said I did. That was Sublyminal. You said a few hundred dollars... it's open to interpretation bro.. You left it open... not me You went from saying a few which could mean $300... to specifically saying $200... to $150... You should be more specific and use specific terminology if you want to argue quantities and actually win arguments
  19. Well we know for a fact that Sony is reacting to MS, because they actually said they were waiting to see what their competitors were doing with regards to pricing ect. It's just as likely however that MS caught wind of what Sony was planning and tried getting out ahead of them. It could be literally anything. Who really cares at this point. The info is coming tomorrow.
  20. "Well ahkctually..." LMAO you peddling this now is actually more hilarious than anything else I guess if it's just a "few" hundred dollars... than that's pretty cheap since "a few" is not many... And since "a couple" means 2 specifically... a few COULD mean 3... which you left open to interpretation by not saying a couple.. Doofusan
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