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Everything posted by Remij

  1. And PS5 could fall right in the middle of Series S and X, price and power wise.
  2. Like Lynux said, they only played a tiny portion. Chances are there's other areas. Still... something taking 8sec on PS4, to being over 1 min on Switch... is ridiculous. At least we agree on that.
  3. It is super impressive, and it's definitely going to get better. You can already tell their plan is to make it as easy as possible for devs to implement, making it a no-brainer to support.. possibly even eventually be something that can simply be toggled on the driver and work for all games new and old which support TAA. (which let's face is.. is most new games) Also now that they have it to the point where it's general purpose, Nvidia themselves can update the AI model through drivers so that all games with the new DLSS 2.0 and better support will be improved due to the better training.
  4. Dude, those load times are FUCKED... lmao come on now..
  5. God damn. DLSS Some interesting tidbits in this video. Hardware Unboxed have spoken with Nvidia about DLSS and this newest version, which shipped in Wolfenstein and Deliver Us the Moon, is the version which will be used and improved upon going forward. Hardware Unboxed are calling it DLSS 2.0 because it's a substantial improvement over the previous implementation which is removing a lot of the restrictions the previous implementation had. They say Nvidia has told them that this new version is more general purposed and doesn't require per-game training..so devs aren
  6. No.. BOM is $450... at least. That means final costs are MORE than that. No.. none of this confirms HBM.
  7. Yes... and it's time to move on LOL old PC games for your console launch... plpleez gib us thos 7 RTX gaems!!
  8. By getting the next gen version earlier? LOLktre
  9. It's kinda strange. These guys don't normally talk like this. I mentioned other instances of them doing this before as well regarding TLOU2.. talking like how this is an entire generational leap over Uncharted 4, and that some members of the team are commenting how they can't even believe what they're creating. It's crazy. It really makes you wonder how they are going to top the first game really. There's a big risk in making any sequel to a game which stands on its own and people generally consider damn near perfect. To have this confidence means that they know they have some
  10. Sounds like Sony have gone more extravagant with the cooling and possibly have created a smaller console.
  11. Yea. I could see Sony going with $449 depending on what MS does. One thing to remember is that MS is also releasing Series S as well, supposedly. They probably plan to make up on the low end console what they plan to lose from the Series X. That might give them a power/price advantage over Sony. For Sony, maybe $399 was the plan, but if component prices are too high and not likely to come down soon enough, then they'll take as little of a hit as possible. I wonder what launch allocations of these consoles might be like? Hopefully things aren't affected too much.. b
  12. Yea, nothing new Rem, but this just adds to the pile that we should be expecting prices on the higher side for both consoles. They're pretty beefy so it should be expected, but I think $399 is out of the question now. Sony's reluctance and even admittance that they're still trying to nail down the best way to approach this coming gen is telling. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-14/sony-is-struggling-with-playstation-5-price-due-to-costly-parts All this coronavirus stuff is just making it worse. Nvidia has already stated that they're reducing
  13. This will come to PSVR on PS5 when they either release a new headset, or improved controllers. I'm sure of it.
  14. It's supposed to be pretty good.. for what it is. I think it's funny how long this thing has been in development for, but there's no denying that it's an impressive piece of software and I think people are going to do cool shit with it. I would not be surprised to see a few IPs born from Dreams which end up becoming hugely successful in the future.
  15. What does that have to do with anything? That's like talking about how many people haven't bought a game instead of talking about the ones who have... lmao The point is.. 1 million gamers at least have their headsets connected monthly. When a big game like HL:A releases... everyone with headsets is going to buy it.
  16. Monthly users with their headset connected at the time of survey...
  17. 1 million VR users on Steam? LOL That's monthly users with headsets connected. Most of the time my headset isn't connected to my PC when I'm not using it... LMAO... IDIOT. VR isn't going away Jon.rar
  18. Exactly what some Xcluded fuckwad would say.
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