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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Wonderful 101 tears Just wait till Bayo 2 is announced
  2. Uh.. when you fund a game you're BUYING the game as well not paying for the ability to buy it down the road.. idiot And nobody here has paid for it... yet. LMAO.. It's coming regardless now
  3. LMFAO Beef Jehureky SALTY AS FUCK LMAO Astral and Bayo are coming... bet on it. Nintendo don't fully own those IP... so the precedence is there. Sega and Plat gonna put the pressure on Nintendo to make it happen Best on PC regardless
  4. JPKellams, who worked for Platinum Games and worked on TW101, was asked about it and said that while he doesn't know because he doesn't work there anymore, he thinks that if they bought the IP from Nintendo the kickstarter would probably be worth around whatever the cost of the IP stake was. Who knows... but I think for TW101 to succeed, it's going to have to be a fairly low number. Porting the game wont cost much at all. The engine is already on multiple platforms.. and it's likely to just be a simple port.
  5. It wouldn't be the first time.. but generally, kickstarters don't do very well without a PC version being attached to it. And generally, it's a given that if there IS a kickstarter, it's mainly for a PC version of said game. Anyway, it looks like Platinum Games will have 4 Game/Port announcements? They just put a teaser site up.. and it's already been confirmed that something will be announced in a few hours. https://four.platinumgames.com/
  6. Agreed.. but there's no way a dock would support HDR. That's going to have to wait for Switch 2, or whatever they come with.
  7. They have... and Nintendo is POWERLESS to stop it... and much like you... have no choice but to accept it
  8. Imagine thinking I was talking about Platinum Games I am referring to scenarios which are actually happening. Scenarios which have actually happened... and which will continue to happen... and Nintendo is powerless to stop it
  9. I suppose it would feel better than watching Nintendo being forced to give up their entire games against their will.. with nothing they can say or do to stop it. I'd ask if you could imagine the absolute RAPED feeling it would be if that happened to one of the Big Three... but we can already feel it through every single one of your posts..
  10. Remij

    Remeber whens

    I'm trying to remember the last time you spelled "remember" properly.
  11. Remij

    Remeber whens

    Remember when you said RTX flopped and then bought one anyway? Lmao
  12. That's right... if Nintendo wants future Platinum Games titles... they're going to let PG do what they want
  13. I heard the main menu of the game runs on fucking Chrome Browser... LOL.. it's laggy as hell apparently.
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