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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I'm literally just in the last level as we speak. You'll know when it is.. so you'll be able to finish up anything you want to get before that if you want. There's still collectibles in this last area so I'm gonna grab them before I finish it. I'll let you know if you can go back after you beat it.
  2. I'm working on 100%. I've got a lot of the areas fully done just getting cells now. Pretty sure I'm right before the final stretch. Absolutely AMAZING game.
  3. These networks are being put to the test with this virus stuff going on. Crazy how CS:GO keeps climbing. Ori 2 also seems to be doing extremely well. 30K+ concurrent players... far eclipsing the 13K of the original.. and that's on Steam alone.
  4. As far as owning them, I could care less as well. I've already got my next generation system... but I was looking forward to the reveals and first look at next gen stuff. Also was looking forward to getting my hands on the new controllers.. but yea in the end it will give everyone more time to make better products. There's literally a metric shit ton of games to play as it is.
  5. Remember, it's coming from a guy that couldn't get Geforce Now to work for over an hour because he had to "install" the game...
  6. Well, I'm basing that off how hard the game pushing my CPU on my PC. Sure my performance is great, but this game hovers at 50-70% cpu utilization across all cores. The original was like 15-20%. So it's definitely doing more. I think the studio did have a strict deadline. What leads me to believe it is not even the performance issues, but all the bugs the game has. It all points to them pushing until it was too late and MS told them, get this fucking game out there. Maybe they got too ambitious with the amount of ideas and combat and took far too long trying to balance the game and cut i
  7. Except I didn't. You did. Thanks for admitting I was right by saying it was a good comeback.. because you know it's true.
  8. He's got a BIG issue in this thread about making a claim and then running from it. I'm holding it to him though. I gave him a chance to at least be a man and stand by it... but he ran. So it's SMASHING time
  9. Next time I'll be sure to design the thread around you running from the topic... so that when it happens, you'll still be on topic
  10. Acting like the OP doesn't exist... and that you've accomplished your goal of avoiding the topic... HE LITERALLY JUST TRIED THAT OMFG
  11. This thread is DONE.... ... until it's SMASHING TIME Go ahead and have the last cry.. I'll allow it
  12. I'm gonna talk about him more... and continue to prove him right - Jer He's Jerry-go-rounding and doesn't know what to do.. all because he's mad that I asked him a question in the OP
  13. You didn't made an observation. You said Nintendo DID something SPECIFICALLY so Platinum Games could do something SPECIFIC. That's a CLAIM. Let me know when you're ready to be a man and stand by your claim... I'm not interested in you trying to ret-con your post. I'm SMASHIN that ass if Bayo 3 is not on the new engine... because YOU SAID IT WOULD BE.
  14. You do.. because you made the claim. Where is your PROOF? And it's not a double standard... I never claimed anything about PG or Nintendo. You did... and your ass is being nailed against the wall because of it. bubut I already explained No you didn't... you ATTEMPTED to retcon what you said... but I'm not having it And you're RUNNNINNNINING
  15. You mentioned him multiple times in this thread. Who said anything about your last post? Watch him act like my post was referencing only the post that I quoted and not the entire thread You're spending more time RUNNING AND RUNNING.. while I'm rollin and rollin
  16. I didn't make a claim that Nintendo did X so PG could do Y... I don't need evidence. I'm making the claim that you said they could... which is why I posted this evidence: So... you made the claim.. where is your proof?? If you can't provide it.... then you've lost The LEAST you could do is stand by what you said like a man... lmao but you're clearly past that point
  17. More talking about me... lmao exactly like I said. No comment on PG and Capcom... of course. Only runs and talks about Phil Spencer and Xbox... fucking obsessed You've spent more time RUNNIN AND RUNNING
  18. Can't even stand by his claim. I talked about how and then I used that to say Now I'm gonna try to rationalize lmao you fucking idiot clown... YOU SAID THIS: Not open to interpretation sweetie... and I'm HOLDIN THAT ASS TO IT
  19. I asked you to comment on it... but you RANNNNNNN and cried because I mentioned your name... think about that
  20. You didn't make an observation. You made a claim that Nintendo delayed the game so PG could implement the new engine. YOU LITERALLY SAID THAT. So yea... you need some proof there bitch. Funny thing is when I make a claim, I'm 100% behind my claim and cocky.. knowing that it's gonna come true. It just shows you how pussy this bitch is because he made a claim, and he's not willing to stand by it. He's trying to retcon what he said and act like it was open to interpretation. Sorry Jer... You said something, and I'm holding that ass to it BOOOOOYEEEE
  21. He's running in a thread that he thinks is about him... He's running from himself.. He can't take being asked a question
  22. No.. you made a claim. It's right there Jer. to delay the game for the new engine. That's not speculation... you're saying that's what they did. SO WHERE IS THE PROOF? LMAO.... He's running hard... can't face his own words. That ass is gonna get nailed to the wall if you're wrong... which is in dispute because you can't seem to post proof
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