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Everything posted by Remij

  1. This channel 'Odd Tinkering' does videos of restoring all kinds of stuff, from antique things to consoles and controllers and stuff like that. There's no talking, it's basically just him going through all the steps he takes to restore stuff. It's pretty cool and interesting how well they turn out and the processes that he goes through. I figure @DynamiteCop! might appreciate these videos.
  2. It'll show me how you can't follow a basic rule... that's about it.
  3. PC... because it will have those games... plus 7... IDIOT
  4. Oh, you think RT on console will be supported much more than PC? LOL ok.. we'll see about that. RTX hasn't even been out 2 years yet. Games take 3 or so years... More and more games are coming with RT support... all the big ones in fact... Devs are loving it... because it makes their jobs easier and gives higher quality... Proving just how DUMB you are bubut devs aren't happy Another thing you're DUMB as fuck about is just how much you think the "bbbecause consoles" argument affects me... lmao. Thanks console players for fundi
  5. No... I don't think I will. I'm going to complain in these off topic threads when there is a forum for this purpose specifically. Learn to fucking post in the right forum. It's not hard.
  6. "I'm not clueless" continues to show why he's clueless The only reason next gen consoles have RT is because Nvidia and MS made it happen.
  7. You're fucking clueless though... no wonder why you're happy with being scammed
  8. YOU got scammed.... because you're not happy with what you bought. OWNED
  9. If backers got scammed then he has to admit that Nvidia scammed him by selling him an RTX gpu with no RTX games that support it
  10. I tried this in the alpha or whatever that was, and it was really bad. I admittedly didn't give it much of a chance... but it's just not for me.
  11. Because it's in the wrong forum dumbass. Make your threads in the right forum and there's no "me complaining"...
  12. I explained everything did other stuff You mean... you stayed MAD AS FUCK all night?
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