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Everything posted by Remij

  1. OMFG ROFL... you didn't say these things?? Where is the word "port" in those quotes?
  2. It did... because that's exactly what you are... You've already admitted you're butthurt because I'm picking on Sony becoming 3rd party like MS. Sony will suffer the same fate
  3. I'm a hermit... you're all losers in my mind
  4. ^I said cue the denial... and he gave it to me... in spades Watch as he changes narratives.. again
  5. Only you think that "waiting" for a game to be developed is ownage........ and I'm glad you did it. THE COMPLETE FUCKING IRONY OF A SHEEP TRYING TO DO THAT....... That's gonna follow you for A LONG TIME NOW.. I can't believe it
  6. Phil Spencer is a loser... as is Jim Ryan. Thanks boys Hey cow.. make sure to top off your PSN subscriptions. We want that network it top shape for the influx of Hermits ready to pillage
  7. Yes.. you claimed that's what I was doing. I said YOU were upset that Jim was gonna lead Sony to the same fate. The same fate being releasing their games on PC And yes... that's what's happening. Cue more denial
  8. ^holy shit look how BUBUBUTTFUCKING hurt this guy is ... triple posting the same gif Celebrating a 90+ meta game AND Sony going 3rd Party officially with their IPs... Yea.. it's cause for a celebration. Cows everywhere are crying and trashing their rooms... except for this place... where it's actually the sheep that are taking the brunt of the ass pounding while the cows sit back and watch
  9. Your claim that that was what I was doing. Yes... that's YOUR claim. When I used YOUR claim in my post... you attempted to say it was mine... You failed... as usual
  10. Yea really. And what other victories are there? We buttfucked MS, we buttfucked Nintendo by taking their games whether the liked it or not... and now Sony's bending over freely.
  11. So NOW he admits that it was his claim It's so fucking easy to manipulate this guy
  12. The irony is that Sheep are going to be waiting longer
  13. Not as far away as the game is from releasing on Switch
  14. That's not a problem. The problem for you is that Sheep here have already posted how desperately they hope that Ori 2 comes to Switch...
  15. That's what you think idiot... not me. Man... you can't even realize your own arguments when they're used against you? Oh.. wait... you're in denial.. nvm
  16. He's trying to ignore what I posted... because it's the truth.. and he can't face it. He's desperately wishing he could push the rewind button and go back to a time where Sony wasn't a 3rd party publisher that brought their best new IP this generation to PC
  17. He's at the part now when he says I'm emulating him The problem with circles is that you know what's coming
  18. ^look at him.. literally set out to hurt Phil's feelings because he's upset that Phil is leading Sony to the same fate.... He's gonna try to deny it now
  19. "I'm gonna keep not saying anything and hope he just stops posting" - Jehurey
  20. Trying to make that sound bad... is... telling
  21. You're really upset that Phil's pushing the industry towards ecosystems... so mad in fact that you try to "pick on him" in a gaming forum. You MADE THAT YOUR GOAL Then when I brought up Jim Ryan... you lost your shit. bubut Remij's trying Sony putting games on PC to MS' failure The most pathetic shit I've ever seen. Even Bodycount's fanboy shit is less pathetic
  22. He's talking himself in circles. I'm gonna say he's doing this... and then he'll do that.... because I have nothing to say about what he's said about me
  23. "I'm gonna try to own him by saying he's waiting for games!" - Jehurey
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