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Everything posted by Remij

  1. John from DF confirmed that Capcom are looking into fixing the framerate on the X1X version. It won't make it for launch though. It would be cool if they lowered the res for full on 60, and added a 30fps cap for the checkerboard 4K mode. Best of both worlds.
  2. He's never said that at all... lmao. In fact, he's made Star Citizen videos where he focuses on explaining exactly that it does have a big impact... Again... he absolutely never said that at all. This is exactly the stupid kind of shit that he's talking about, and about the same level of responses that he has to deal with on ERA. There's a big difference between "SSDs are a godsend" and "PS5 will be capable of vastly different game design that Series X won't be due to it's SSD"...
  3. Probably just a coincidence.
  4. I'm not doubting a patch will happen, but I don't think you can look at the Version numbers and draw any significant conclusion from that. They're both following completely different conventions. 1.03 and It doesn't really mean anything. Unless you can confirm somewhere where they say they are different?
  5. Good on him for calling out the mods too. lmao.. they're fucking useless. I've seen twitter threads with him talking to various developers about stuff and bringing up ResetERA fanboys and the devs all just laugh at that forum and call them garbage. Maybe that's why he finally feels emboldened to call them out. There's no sense in engaging with ignorant people on these subjects... not at this point anyway.
  6. Y'all are in for a surprise next gen... it wont happen at first, but we'll definitely get there.
  7. I know that. Those are still 1.8TF gpus running those visuals at 1080p.. and it's a 60fps targeted game. 30fps Series X and PS5 games will look like that. Just look at HB2 for example. Games which are targeting realistic visuals such as that, will do so, I'm confident.
  8. The game will be fine. It's just short, apparently. That's the biggest knock against it. It probably would have been better sold as a DLC for RE2 Remake in all honesty.. or perhaps a lower priced stand alone expansion.
  9. Yes. We already have characters on screen in games running at 60fps that look like this on 4TF gpus with far less efficiency. Games which target 30fps for next gen will easily reach that level in the AAA game space.
  10. It's an extremely fast based shooter. Probably not the best technology for that type of game just yet. For games that require less precise controls though, streaming is already sufficient. Still has a long way to go obviously.. but I don't know how you can look at that and not think it's the future... it will get there eventually.
  11. I have a feeling most of the reviewers are basing their completion times off the in-game timer, which can apparently be WAY off. Some people are saying the in game timer said 6h but a guy timed himself outside of the game and it was 12h. Obviously the consensus is that it's a short game.. but it might not be AS short as the in game timer would have you believe.
  12. I can only imagine the amount of shit they would cut from RE:CV if they ever do remake it... This wasn't made by the RE2 Remake team though right? So maybe the next one they do will feel better? Who knows.. I guess RE3 is nice as a companion piece to RE2 Remake. I'm going to just think of this remake more as the "Jill" campaign of RE2 lol.
  13. They'd have to keep the physics and movement the exact same for me. I think the camera also plays too much into the gameplay of that game for me to be happy if they'd just change it. knowing when to turn and move the camera in that game is part of the gameplay to me. I know it's dated as fuck... but to me that's a huge part of Mario 64's charm. The original isn't going anywhere though.. so even if they do change it, I'd still love to see a remake with improved visuals and audio.
  14. Yea, I know. They'll never do another SMRPG in the vein of 7 Stars. But fuck I would love a remake of that game with Captain Toad's visual style. A proper Paper Mario is still huge. I love that series as well. If they can make another one in the vein of Paper Mario 64 or Thousand Year Door... I'm happy as fuck.
  15. ~5 hours is disappointing. But honestly, even just more of RE2 with some different scares and environments is enough for me at this point. I'm sure I'll enjoy it, but it sounds like it's not going to do anything to change the perception of RE3 in comparison to the other games. There's still lots of reviewers saying it's a fun campaign.. just short and disappointing compared to what it should have been. For the love of god though... fuck cutting content.. Capcom apparently "omitted" certain enemies because they were striving for realism..... lmao... in RE games of all things...
  16. Damn.. that's awesome. Ok I'll change it back lol. Also.. if there's a new Mario RPG this year, and it's actually amazing.. I'll fucking cry. 2020 The year of Mario
  17. Even Sunshine with the ability to skip the opening cutscene would be amazing for me lol. People need to give that game more of a chance.
  18. I haven't read the review yet, but apparently there's tons of cut content from the original. Pretty disappointing.
  19. Honestly, to me it's not mind blowing at all. It looks like it's rendered at 360p.. It's just a lot of reused assets
  20. Godly, but I wish it would have been based on Gestalt instead. Incredible how Nier came back
  21. Yep. That entire chapter was insane.
  22. It's definitely not the first REAL VR game. I fully agree with Ramza. It's the best VR game I've played for sure... but let's not act like there haven't been TRUE VR games out there already. Lone Echo Super Hot Beat Saber Astro Bot Moss Asgard's Wrath Stormland Boneworks and now HL: Alyx ALL are great FULL games in their own right.. completely realized for the medium
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