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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Posts proof that he's dumb as fuck It was obvious to everyone except you... retard.
  2. Gouko's becoming a trash tier poster these days. Just pure bait shit all the time and he can never shut the fuck up about xbox Cooke made a post about his phone being 1440p and watching netflix on it or something and Gouko comes at him with the "you paid extra on netflix for that " Then Cooke explained he had it for his TV.. and this dumb fuck acts stupid as fuck.. "durrr your 4K tv is your phone? " Jesus fucking christ I just had to shake my head. Dude is fucking trash tier now just to argue stupid shit..
  3. Switch has frame drops too. You think the improved animation on Ori meant 2x the framerate.. Both games run the same. Both drop frames at times... The Switch version does not run better... and they didn't go out of their way to optimize it better specifically for Switch... it was work they'd already been doing on their engine.. the Switch version got some of those benefits... which allowed it to perform as well as the XO version in the end. I know Xbox occupies 100% of your thoughts... because you can't seem to make a post without trying to take a rib at lemmings,
  4. I know you weren't... because your dumbass doesn't know the difference. The game doesn't run better. They both run at 60. Switch isn't more stable...... They literally RUN THE EXACT SAME. I know I've argued with you about this a few times... because you continue to not understand what the fuck you're talking about... and are taking words like "we've optimized the engine since the initial release" to mean.... the game was optimized to run better. No... it was optimized better... so the game could run as well as the Xbox version... on Switch. Your ignoranc
  5. You don't seem to understand that the Switch version isn't optimized to run better.. it runs at the same framerate as the other versions... they just added more frames of animation to Ori.. You sound DUMB AS FUCK acting like Switch runs Ori better.
  6. Exactly. It just seems weird that they would know that the game performs like that, and release anyway. The guy even admitted they suggested reviewers play the PC or X1X versions. Another reviewer confirmed the X1X version does it as well.. and while I haven't heard about or seen anyone say the PC version does it (maybe SSD fixes it?) I wouldn't be surprised at this point if it's an issue there as well. Hope it's all working good after the day 1 patch. The game will be amazing, and it would be a shame to have the score dragged down because of shit like this.
  7. bubut nobody notices 120fps... your eyes can't see beyond that
  8. What do you mean what a dumb thread? Fuckhead the game shipped like that on disc.. It's pretty fucking bad that they thought that was an acceptable build to go gold with. LMAO.. yea.. the game freezing for seconds at a time during normal gameplay is ok. And lmao... you think I'm wishing for that to happen? lol... you got issues dude. How the FUCK am I jumping the gun when reviewers and others are the ones posting this shit? This shit could stain the scores of an otherwise phenomenal game... that's my issue here. I have no doubt things
  9. Yea, it's not just a "saving issue"... There's honestly no excuse for that considering how long this game has been in development for. That shit's going to drop the score... thanks Xbox
  10. There's apparently a day 1 patch coming, but nobody knows if it will address these issues or not. It looks like it's happening when it saves the game, but the game is apparently constantly saving your progress... I've watched probably an hour of PC footage and never saw any stuttering at all. Maybe it's a newer build or something, but it makes sense why all the previews were of the PC version last week.
  11. Pointing out your hypocrisy is not anger
  12. You're the only one stupid enough to come into this thread and directly respond to the assertion with "I never said it was MS' fault" I'm pretty sure I know how to use your own words against you correctly
  13. Well duh... you didn't directly say you were the idiot..... which is why it's funny. You came in trying to absolve yourself of my assertion, and ended up outing yourself as a subject of it. YOU LITERALLY CAME IN THIS THREAD ON THE DEFENSIVE.... giving yourself away. Your asshole doesn't POP anymore...it's too loose
  14. You indirectly admitted you were one of the idiots I was referring to. Either you did that knowingly... and were an idiot. Or you did that unknowingly... and are still an idiot. You did it to yourself.... and are trying DESPERATELY to claim that because you didn't quote me "it wuz juzt in general guiz I'm naht da idiut " "Maybe if I bring up how they were arguing in another thread about a completely different topic, they'll both stop making fun of me about this one?" ...
  15. You just showed it being striked through... lmao idiot. and yet here we are both POPPIN' your little asshole in THIS thread Don't change the fact that you directly addressed my assertion in the OP... ROFL I get what you were going for though
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