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Everything posted by Remij

  1. You're the only one stupid enough to come into this thread and directly respond to the assertion with "I never said it was MS' fault" I'm pretty sure I know how to use your own words against you correctly
  2. Well duh... you didn't directly say you were the idiot..... which is why it's funny. You came in trying to absolve yourself of my assertion, and ended up outing yourself as a subject of it. YOU LITERALLY CAME IN THIS THREAD ON THE DEFENSIVE.... giving yourself away. Your asshole doesn't POP anymore...it's too loose
  3. You indirectly admitted you were one of the idiots I was referring to. Either you did that knowingly... and were an idiot. Or you did that unknowingly... and are still an idiot. You did it to yourself.... and are trying DESPERATELY to claim that because you didn't quote me "it wuz juzt in general guiz I'm naht da idiut " "Maybe if I bring up how they were arguing in another thread about a completely different topic, they'll both stop making fun of me about this one?" ...
  4. You just showed it being striked through... lmao idiot. and yet here we are both POPPIN' your little asshole in THIS thread Don't change the fact that you directly addressed my assertion in the OP... ROFL I get what you were going for though
  5. Jehurey just finished talking to his therapist Goukosan and surprise surprise.. here he is to defend his patient I did say "idiots" after all.. it was only a matter of time until the other one showed up
  6. I'll just directly address the assertion you made.... but I wont quote you! I understand what you were going for though It's was a general statement guys. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  7. I actually type "idiots said it was MS' fault..." and you responded with "I never said it was MS's fault" DIRECTLY responding to my assertion But I understand what you were going for
  8. guys guys... I put rumor in the title... it was just a joke!! Fucknutx.. I can see the damage control already
  9. Yea, you started it because you can't help him in any other way regarding actual knowledge of the subject
  10. That this idiot was credible. It's the first thing I did. You abandonded it REAL QUICK... and now you're trying to come back and say "nobody realized I put rumor in the title and posted something by a nobody"... After that it was all Acronym garbage
  11. You resorted to making up stupid altered words for the acronym RTX once you realized that I was steamrolling your shitty narrative
  12. I called you out on it my very first response to you... idiot
  13. lmao I remember the idiots here speaking about how it was MS's fault why Scalebound was cancelled..
  14. You don't even know what AMD's RT is.... lmao... You're going to be owned.. so badly
  15. Ray Traced Xcellence Idiots
  16. ROFL someone called Jon... probably deeno Jon... Mr. RTX flopped... but my 2060 is good... and can handle RT when people bug me about it sucking!!
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