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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I'm confident they'll make good choices. Neil being directly involved takes away a lot of the concern I'd have otherwise.
  2. Yep. Considering the people/companies involved... this will be the best it could possibly be, imo. It could also end up being a HUGE show. This will be something that not just gamers get into... but everyone. With HBO, you know it's going to be violent and mature as fuck.
  3. I'm interested in seeing how much they are going to flesh this out... especially with the knowledge of the world building/lore that TLOU2 will bring with it. It gives them an amazing opportunity to utilize that extended world building to their advantage from the very beginning.
  4. It will be MUCH better as a TV show than it could ever be as a movie.
  5. 1. Patents. Do. Not. Equal. Product. 2. I agree.. but maybe Sony figured out a cooling solution 3. Insiders also say best believe it 4. Could have something to do with their memory subsystem and SSD implementation. Bandwidth will play an important role. I've heard they do.. and that they've known they do for a while now.
  6. That's a tough one. But I think I might prefer the Octopath style for a Chrono Trigger Remake, but with higher quality pixel art and way more frames of animation. Something like this on OPT style backgrounds:
  7. Nah. It will be MUCH more efficient per TF and have access to features and programming techniques not possible on X1X. And on top of that, the CPU and memory bandwidth will allow for FAR more to be done with said GPU power. It'll be a potent little machine.
  8. I highly doubt it. They're going to build as much character as they possibly can for the limited cast in Midgar. Just like in the original, it'll be all about world and character building. It's going to just be Cloud, Barret, Tifa, and Aerith, with Red XIII confirmed being a guest character towards the end. They'll spend more time building up Avalanche as a group and getting you more invested in Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge... but they wont be playable. You might see some characters... but they wont be a part of the party.
  9. No.. It's always been UE4. The previous footage was done by CyberConnect 2. Square went back and redid the assets and reworked the game. There was no engine change.
  10. Of course there will be. There's no random enemies to fight, so leveling up will require doing some side quests and shit around Midgar. I think it will be a solid 30 hours without too much filler shit. The Bombing Run takes around 45m - 1h and only took about 10min in the original. We're looking at around 5x the length due to being more fleshed out. Midgar was about 6h in the original, so I'm guessing 30h in the Remake.
  11. lol... who gives a shit what it looks like in youtube videos. Transporting in VR FEELS good. It's also the easiest way for people new to VR to ease themselves into it. It's very easy to separate the people who've play VR games from those who haven't... because they say stupid shit like "That BS has gotta go"... no offense.
  12. Well in that case FF7R needs to come off that list since it's already confirmed multiplat. Nioh, Persona, and Journey have to come off same with Street Fighter, Death Stranding and Horizon ZD. GoW will be coming off that list, Dreams too.... Idiot.
  13. They've done a really great job with the entire presentation. UE4 was the right call for this game. Glad they stuck with it, and hopefully they consider using it in more of their titles.
  14. No... it's not. It's arguably the most comfortable. Don't talk about shit you obviously don't know about.
  15. You're an idiot. You'll use VR... when Xbawkz saz so
  16. Name a VR game it looks lower budget than Maybe try not hating things because you don't have access to them... that way you can spare us the threads years later of you finally trying a game and saying it's awesome.
  17. You think HL:A looks like low budget shit. Nobody gives a fuck what you think... about anything.
  18. Dude, trust me... you're not even going to think about "floating hands" when you're actually playing the game. When you're in VR, the hands line up with exactly where your hands are IRL... your mind fills in the rest. It's also far better for immersion at the moment, because having arms connected to the hands in VR is extremely hard to get to look right, at the moment. It's better that, then having arms wig out and bend completely fucked up... that's when you start to noticing. It'll get there, but nows not the time... and removing them is best until they can get it 100% right.
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