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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Well in that case FF7R needs to come off that list since it's already confirmed multiplat. Nioh, Persona, and Journey have to come off same with Street Fighter, Death Stranding and Horizon ZD. GoW will be coming off that list, Dreams too.... Idiot.
  2. They've done a really great job with the entire presentation. UE4 was the right call for this game. Glad they stuck with it, and hopefully they consider using it in more of their titles.
  3. No... it's not. It's arguably the most comfortable. Don't talk about shit you obviously don't know about.
  4. You're an idiot. You'll use VR... when Xbawkz saz so
  5. Name a VR game it looks lower budget than Maybe try not hating things because you don't have access to them... that way you can spare us the threads years later of you finally trying a game and saying it's awesome.
  6. You think HL:A looks like low budget shit. Nobody gives a fuck what you think... about anything.
  7. Dude, trust me... you're not even going to think about "floating hands" when you're actually playing the game. When you're in VR, the hands line up with exactly where your hands are IRL... your mind fills in the rest. It's also far better for immersion at the moment, because having arms connected to the hands in VR is extremely hard to get to look right, at the moment. It's better that, then having arms wig out and bend completely fucked up... that's when you start to noticing. It'll get there, but nows not the time... and removing them is best until they can get it 100% right.
  8. It's a AAA VR Half-Life game, with the biggest team ever in Valve's history working on it. Umad it's not coming to Switch Well... I guess there IS some hope for you
  9. You'd think after the WiiU that Nintendo would have given up..... but here we are
  10. There's 3 different options for movement. Teleport, which they show in that vid, plus "Shift" and "Free".. You can choose to play the game with any style you want. Here's the game in free mode: Here's shift mode: Game will be PHENOMENAL
  11. No I didn't. I'm talking to someone who skipped every cutscene... knew exactly how to play, and dashed his way through the demo, on his first playthrough... then went on a forum to say how quick of a demo it was right after someone said they were surprised how long it was. You want to act like watching the cutscenes isn't part of the experience and that learning to play the game efficiently isn't a thing... go right ahead. But don't act like this is a 15min fucking demo... I think what REALLY happened was that you played the game normally, and just wanted to argue so
  12. He rushed through the game in 15min....didn't watch any of the cutscenes, but he's an expert at the combat and how to defeat enemies in the quickest way possible... on his first playthrough...
  13. Yea... we didn't know you could dash... didn't know you could skip cutscenes... and we didn't know certain attacks do more damage. Our bad
  14. Lots of haters with no VR ITT Game looks fucking AMAZING.
  15. Note: The first vid uses the teleportation locomotion scheme, the second uses the free move, and the third uses shift. Looks fucking incredible. Man I can't wait for this. These environments are absolutely insane for VR. The interaction looks fucking perfect
  16. It's a shame what's happening to fighting games imo. These seasons, and micro-transaction shit.. Charging people for basic shit. Shipping incomplete games and charging stupid amounts of money for characters. DOA5/6 are completely fucking ridiculous with the amount of DLC and costs for that DLC. DOA5 had easily over $1000 worth of DLC... and DOA6 is reselling that same shit again, for around the same price. It's so fucked.
  17. Yep. It took me about an hour or so the first time through. Though I took some time to mess around with stuff and look at the visuals. Definitely much longer than the original. 2nd time through was still around 30-35 min. I think the camera could be an issue in some cases. I put it on 3 because I think it works best for me like that. But I'm sure as we play the game and get more comfortable with the controls, it'll be easier to keep the camera where we need it to be.
  18. Nobody said it wasn't. It still doesn't take 15min...
  19. This game is going to look quite nice with high fps too. Ultra-wide support will be nice for this game as well. This all bodes well for Horizon ZD on PC too
  20. 15 minutes my ass... Maybe if you're speed running it
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