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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Good because Mr X was easy to avoid and not a real threat at all.
  2. Shut up.... he'll see it... when Xbox says so
  3. Xbox hasn't been a priority for any developer... not even MS
  4. "Is it on guiz?" OMFG XBAWKZ is doiing it? AMAZING!!
  5. "bubut I can't even see it!" lmao shut the fuck up... you walk your ass back about every god damn thing you say. Next up is VR after MS starts doing it with Xbox and this fag will be all over it
  6. You just said BotW was mediocre in everything else.... lmao. I never said it's the only way games score above 97? ROFL... I said games that score 97 don't do so by JUST having good music. God damn you're dumb as fuck
  7. lmao... what you just UNINTENTIONALLY did was post that the music didn't matter to those games meta scores... and yet BotW is right up there. The point of this thread was to say that BotW was a mediocre game with a great music score, and now I have you posting that the music doesn't matter in the top 20+ metacritic games... and yet BotW is there... proving your point completely fucking wrong about music being the only thing is does well. Congrats.
  8. lmao no... Games with just good music don't get 97 metacritic scores with over 100 reviews... stop being dumb. Unless you're planning on making another thread which you explain how you realized that you were an idiot about the other stuff too? If that's coming... then carry on.
  9. Mediocre.. lmao Vini.. lol Music has the ability to transport you to a time and place and feel things that couldn't be expressed properly with words alone. Great music ties the entire thing together and elevates something above what it would be with just regular music. Kind of like how certain songs can represent entire summers, or points in your life. Music plays a huge part in creating a connection to a time... or in this case a game for me. I remember the director of Ori and the Blind Forest said that for those games, he told the team, if it's possible to convey a feeling or
  10. Yea pretty sure you're right. In the future I'm sure it will be more seamless. I can see linking your Steam account the Geforce Now account that you've created, and then on your actual native Steam client just being able to select "Stream from Geforce Now" on games that support it and away it goes. That would be a million times better. I tried Metro Exodus on the Epic Game Store, and yea, it was the same thing.
  11. Uh... no shit... because you're logging into YOUR steam account to get access to your games. You have to "install" the game on the virtual steam client so that it shows up. It's not "as intuitive" because it supports multiple different platforms.. thus requiring logging in and "installing" which only takes like 1 second because the games are already there on the server, it just has to find them and link them to your account. I'm guessing certain games already "installed" on the servers remain installed and simply link to whichever steam account is logged into at the time. Becaus
  12. lmao Twiblade, I think what was happening to you is that you were streaming the game to your Steam client from the GFNow server and playing it through the steam client instead of streaming it from GFNow. You absolutely don't need the steam client on your machine to run it... that's the entire point. You log into your steam account on the server and it runs it locally from there..
  13. lol I dunno what the problem is. But maybe MK just doesn't like you or something? I tried it and it worked really well. Took a bit to "find the next available machine" but after that it was fine. Notice that I'm actually on a Wifi connection too lol...
  14. Nice. They were a good get for MS. Hopefully they can build up some cool RPG exclusives for Xbox.
  15. While I appreciate testing the PC side of things, the reality is that it's not in any way comparable to what is possible on the consoles. It's fine as a test between similar PCs in very limited scenarios.. but there's a lot that's not being taken into consideration in that video. Windows, by it's very nature uses a more general purpose file system which is better for certain workloads than it is others. Lots of factors can attribute to this... like the storage itself, the controller, the size of the storage, the cluster size allocation set by windows, and compression.
  16. If it's working for some and not for others, and depending on what monitor and shit like that you have, then yea, they still have some kinks to work out. It could also be dependent on which server hardware you get. I remember playing RE2 Remake and it let me select 4K on the server and when streamed to 1080p and it looked ridiculously good. It wasn't a locked 60, but it felt stable and sharp. Nobody would have complained.. because the IQ and performance you're getting relative to the cost was really good. There's also simply a lot of games out there that don't requir
  17. I just tried Rocket League and it was at 1080p for me and I could select anything below it too. Maybe it fucked up on his since he was connected to a 4K screen? It doesn't make much sense, but yea I checked out his vid and he was limited. Weird. But yea... I had said that you no longer have to select games again through Steam after logging into them on GFN... but that was a lie. Apparently that's only for specific games, because I just had to do it with Rocket League... lol? Oh well.
  18. Where are you hearing that? What games are stuck at 720p? I'm not trying to argue or anything... just that I've never seen it. If you can give me an example I'll try it right now. I've seen 1080p locked games yea, but I assume that's because the stream is locked to 1080p so they're essentially maximizing performance to remove actual GPU slowdown from the equation.
  19. Well, I've been a Geforce Now beta tester pretty much since the very start years ago. The service has come a long way since then. First the app itself is much better, but still lacking the ability to see ALL the games on the service. You get a listing of popular and promoted titles... but can't see the entire library at once. You have to search for games using the search bar. They've improved start up times immensely, and now at least you don't have to actually find your game in the steam client after clicking it in Geforce Now client. As for the streaming itself. I can't com
  20. 1. Dino Crisis 2. Dead Space 3. Silent Hill That's all I want from that list.
  21. They haven't marketed the console at all yet though.... they haven't even started. Wired articles about tech where you're talking the bare minimum isn't marketing imo. If you actually look at the info Sony themselves have released... it's all just very thin details. We have absolutely NO IDEA of the user experience either is planning for the next gen. Things haven't even begun dude. Since the interview was with the Chief Technology Officer, I'm assuming it IS something regarding features of the architectures which either improve development, or make it ext
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