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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea. I couldn't forse technical problems Amazing game though
  2. I don't have to prove they can't. You didn't say they COULD... You said they allowed PG to delay the game to implement the new engine. WHERE IS THE PROOF? I'm not the one that needs to explain things here Jer.... You're losing badly... and you're going to keep running and running... because you said something you can't prove... and....... I'm gonna fucking hold you to it
  3. Yea.. I said "what goes around comes around eh Jer?" care to fucking comment on it dipstick
  4. First it was good.. now it's gr8? An amazing game that's gr8 because of some technical flaws..
  5. How does allowing a delay equate to factually being so they could implement a new engine... like you claimed? bubut they allowed the game to be delayed.... ok... where is your proof that it was so they could implement this new engine? LMFAO Watch him play stupid... and run to Forza pictures again (which he's still entirely wrong about )
  6. No comment on the topic... figures. Now he's just gonna talk about me
  7. You said Nintendo did something. Where is your proof? If you can't do that, just shut the fuck up because you've LOST. You did it to yourself.. lmao
  8. So either Kamiya and PG were trying to launder money from Capcom... like they apparently did MS... or they got fucked and Capcom fucked them over What goes around comes around eh Jer? Sounds like PG is great at fucking over publishers... Nintendo's probably getting fucked at this very moment and PG is fixing to break free before Nintendo becomes the wiser
  9. It's pretty sad... considering the team delayed the game too
  10. I didn't make the claim that Nintendo did something.. lmao. You can't hold me to saying anything because I said it was a possibility. You outright stated Nintendo delayed Bayo 3 to let PG use the new engine. WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR PROOF?? The do look the same... with a different AA setting... PC versions of games always have higher AA settings. Not my fault you don't understand what you're told... and soon you're going to run out of zoom to try to prove your point I speculated... you stated. I'm holding you to that statement.. and there's nothing you can do about it.
  11. That's actually what YOU are doing. Because you have no proof to back up your CLAIM. And they are. The settings qualities are the same. AA is not. Completely different. It IS ultra.. and you got fucked. One setting on high.. the rest ultra... and you're RUNNING.. like I said you would... even to this day It's not about whether Bayo is using the engine or not... you made a claim that Nintendo did something specific... WHERE IS YOUR PROOF. And you're RUNNING because you L-O-S-T... like the show.. this is your sixth season
  12. You're an idiot. You're gonna get SMASHED on these forums if it's not.. and I'll be happy to do it Screens are the same.. the only thing different is the AA. Mostly Ultra settings in fact Owned. And still no proof you're posting I see... That's becoming a theme.
  13. Yes it is. And yes you are. lmao.. you think saying you are absolves you of it? You're gonna get Khabib SMASHED if it turns out Bayo 3 doesn't use it... I'm gonna enjoy that. They are the same quality levels... and they're both NATIVE 4K... just like I said. Extra AA settings on PC has nothing to do with the games quality levels being different. You can force AA in many ways. Nice try though And who said they doubled the flops? Wow.. you make another completely bullshit claim... post your proof that I said that... because that's COMPLETE fucking bu
  14. It's not on me to. I said something was possible. You said they've DONE something. WHERE IS YOUR PROOF THAT THEY DID WHAT YOU SAID? Will be interesting to see if it is or isn't using the new engine. I'll be sure to smack you with it if it doesn't And yes.. I said Sony was "the same as MS.. they are both 3rd party". 100%... because they both are. There's no varying levels. Both publish games on PC. No I wasn't wrong about Forza... It's absolutely the same. You tried running to the fact that one setting only updated at 30fps... but the
  15. Oh... so you've got no link to proof of what you claim. Gotcha. I wasn't wrong about MS acquiring PG... they were actually in talks... I never said it was 100% that.. I never said Sony would become a day one multiplat developer... lmao you're such a fuckhead I was absolutely RIGHT about Forza... lmao and I was also right that you'd try to point out one setting and damage control with it. Wrong about 16bit flops? lmao you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about... and both AMD and Nvidia have GPUs and developers are utilizing it..lmao
  16. Agreeing it was possible is one thing. You made a direct statement. Where's your proof of that? And you mean my batting average where I was right about Death Stranding, I was right about Sunset Overdrive, I was right about Halo MCC, and I was right about Horizon ZD and you ended up looking like the DynamiteCop of the situation??...
  17. Huh? My speculation? I just finished saying Bayo likely wouldn't use it. But that's besides the point. You said this: So where's your proof? Oh that's right... you don't have any.. and you wont admit when you're wrong... kinda like Horizon Zero Dawn coming to PC after you said it wouldn't when the PSNow version was announced ROFL
  18. Exactly. I don't get it. It's like he wants the game to put a marker where to go next and highlight every single interactable object.. They give you some obvious clues.. and sometimes not quite so obvious.. the whole idea is that you have to experiment with the abilities you have. That's one of the things I like so much about these games is that there's an element of rewarding ingenuity and experimentation. There's obvious intended ways to accomplish things, but sometimes if you think outside the box, and use the games systems to your advantage you can seemingly accomplish thin
  19. You seem to have a hard time understand that the game isn't 2D. And the answer is that those Jaguar cores are getting hammered hard with physics (literally everything in the environment reacts to movement).. as well as streaming in assets. It's not well optimized.
  20. Nah.. they don't state that. They state that those are the 3 of their current projects and that's it. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are using the new engine. It IS possible though, don't get me wrong. But I think out of all of them it's likely Project GG would be the only one to utilize the new engine.
  21. Just stop then... you're clearly not a logical enough thinker for this series
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