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Everything posted by Remij

  1. The game has technical problems. It deserves the scores it's getting
  2. There IS a res scale option on PC... but it's only 100% and down
  3. Yea, it's been great performance-wise for me on PC. No freezes or anything.. but that's on an SSD. Probably has to do with the Xbox HDD not streaming fast enough... which is weird because you'd think the game would be designed around that limitation..but yea. Unity is a touchy engine. DF released their analysis and yea... man performance is rough on Xbox consoles even with the patch. Damn near dropping to 30fps at times.
  4. I had this same thought... but not really out of anything I personally experienced myself.. just by reading issues that other people have posted. It's definitely lacking polish, that's for sure. I'm still roughly 1/2 - 2/3rds of the way through I imagine.. so hopefully I don't experience any big issues the rest of the way. It's absolutely an awesome game though. I already love it so much more than the original... but they fucked up with the performance issues and bugs.
  5. Just as shocking as his prediction that HZD going to PSNow meant that there was no PC version coming
  6. It's why in that post where I responded to him in the original thread I said "GASP.. You mean the announcement is they are going to make next gen games " He thinks he's some prophet now
  7. No. If that were the case... the announcement would have been "Platinum are creating a brand new engine which will enable us to make new IP and fund our games as a self-publisher" ... which is bullshit because they can create new IP without the need of creating a new engine... and new engines don't give developers money to make games and IP... So no... you were wrong about the announcement. It was that they were going independent and becoming less reliant on publishers. This... wasn't even an announcement......... it was an interview posted on their site..
  8. *GASP* you mean they ARE making next gen stuff??? Their announcement was that they were becoming independent. That's what their major announcement was. This wasn't even an announcement...this was an interview posted on their website lmao. It's an expected followup to the news that they were free to make their own games. If this was the type of thing you'd classify as a "new stage" for a company... then every developer/publisher making next gen games would be announcing "new stages"...
  9. The block is completely separated... You might be the only person I know that has had a problem with it lmao.
  10. Ah. I think they made them pretty obvious, but yea.. I've played the first game. Anyway.. you shouldn't be stuck for THAT long, because you DO get a button prompt to hold RT and move. Keep dem eye open breh
  11. It's just baffling to me how they allowed the game to release like that. They've had a long as time to make this game and already delayed it... it makes you wonder what the hell they were doing for so long. The PC version performs great.. 60fps is easy, but that's totally due to brute forcing rather than any amazing optimization. Still, all versions suffer from issues, and it's just weird to me that Moon Studios allowed it to release like that because the original was such a polished experience compared to this one that I thought the team was beyond releasing something that was clearly not
  12. What do you mean you're stuck? There's only a few places you can go. Remember, any time you get a new ability, think back to where you were before where you may have needed that ability.
  13. Yea a bit. It's definitely less frustrating than the original imo for exactly the reason you stated. The save system is generous and never has you back too far from where you died. I literally just came off playing the first one though, so my instincts are honed as well.. but overall I feel like the movement and options you have in this game make it easier to get around. Also, a lot of it depends on which abilities you have equipped at any given time as well as upgraded shards. Some of them can make things trivial. As you said though.. that's not a knock on the game. Sometime
  14. That's bullshit. It was maybe true for a little while, but there's lots of good japanese engines. RE engine is but the latest example. I don't want everything on UE4.
  15. It's called the Platinum Engine and will power their future game titles. https://four.platinumgames.com/03-TOKYO/ There's a pretty big interview in that section of the website if you click the "Read More" button. It will be interesting to see the craziness they are capable of with this new engine once it's ready to go.
  16. Remij

    lol eminem

    I like the song, but I really hate his videos. I always have. Dude is almost 50
  17. Comparison shots of Blind Forest and Will of the Wisps. They've done a lot of improvement on the art side, as well as of course the characters being fully 3d and not sprite based. Animations and models are all much smoother as a result and scale as high as your framerate will go. The colors, lighting, shading, and everything is just much better. Blind Forest Will of the Wisps
  18. It's really fucking good. Way better than the first one. I'm definitely loving some of the changes. I'm about 6-7h in... and it's been mostly incredible. I've had some bugs here and there though.. but nothing gamebreaking. In the water performing certain moves I've had my character zip across the screen uncontrollably, and I got stuck once in the games geometry.. but other than that, it's been awesome. Performance is great, and the game looks phenomenal. After a couple patches for the bugs, the game will be perfect imo. Oh, and I forgot to say the music... my fuc
  19. It's just the start. Many more movies will be delayed as well, I'm sure. If what they're predicting about the US healthcare system becoming overwhelmed by new cases of the virus just like Italy was.. then within a couple of weeks shit like this will be the least of our problems.
  20. I know, but there are more worthless threads made all the time so lol
  21. Me too. TBH I have never really followed these leaks. Flute, Oberon, Ariel, Gonzalo, and I didn't even know about Sparkman... For the record there's no way I believe PS5 would be 7TF, like that tweet would suggest... but I AM curious as to what it could be for.
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