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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I called you out on it my very first response to you... idiot
  2. lmao I remember the idiots here speaking about how it was MS's fault why Scalebound was cancelled..
  3. You don't even know what AMD's RT is.... lmao... You're going to be owned.. so badly
  4. Ray Traced Xcellence Idiots
  5. ROFL someone called Jon... probably deeno Jon... Mr. RTX flopped... but my 2060 is good... and can handle RT when people bug me about it sucking!!
  6. It's going to be fun because you say 20 series RT is going to be obsolete when the consoles launch.... I'm going to come in here and LAUGH at you fuckheads. And it WILL be fun And yes... the 2080ti will be a distant memory to me.. welcome to 2 years ago
  7. TLOU2's gameplay wasn't scripted... that was already proven CP2077 is having troubles running on current gen hardware.. they already admitted it You yourself said something's wrong at Sony.. so obviously it was delayed
  8. Dude, your track record against me is terrible. Quit while you're behind and go back to arguing whether or not PS5 actually uses RNDA 2 or not...
  9. This thread is gonna be FUN to come back to
  10. I'm calling you IDIOT for a reason
  11. Oh, then my RT implementation is fine. Idiot
  12. That's your AMD RT capable GPU burning up and drivers crashing
  13. Better than dropping to PS4 IQ.. lmao 1080p
  14. He doesn't.... but he will anyway... just like you too
  15. All coming to PC... lmao the irony
  16. I could get $700 for my GPU right now You could get $80 for your shitstation 4 if Gamestop is still alive by the end of the year
  17. Says the idiot waiting 2 years for something... that's going to be outdated before it's even launched
  18. Sounds like something an IDIOT would say
  19. How could that be a beta test for cows and lemmings when they're using different architectures? lmao IDIOT
  20. Imaging thinking that 20 series RT will magically stop working once the consoles release. RT from a company that's TWO YEARS behind their competitor
  21. $1200 for the most powerful GPU for the last 2 years... Yes.. you are Console idiots lmao: -RT doesn't matter!!! -PS5 doesn't have hardware RT -Xbox has hardware RT -PS5 uses different implementation -Xbox uses DXR -PS5 uses RDNA1 -Xbox uses RDNA2 -RT is the most important thing ever!!! What the fuck is it going to be... idiots.
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