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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Bayo 2 is damn near 6 years old retard Nobody gives a shit about Ass Chain...
  2. Sony didn't give you anything. You're HOPING they bring Remote Play FFS They will... and they'll make their money... just like Nintendo will do with Bayonetta
  3. The HILARIOUS thing... is that he was literally JUST using games like Rogue Squadron 2 and 3 and fucking Twin Snakes.... as examples of rights that Nintendo never gave up.... then he talks about how TW101 is a 7 year old game and that's the reason why Nintendo is ok to part with it... despite actually owning it... Now watch as he claims that it was cause Nintendo traded it for Ass Chain......undermining his OTHER argument that my theory that Ass Chain was a new IP created to get Bayo instead is SOOOO LAUGHABLE... Yea... it's not like PG isn't expressing at all which
  4. And he's just gonna keep digging his hole deeper and deeper... because he can't help it. And because I'm going to goad him into it... like I have before.
  5. It's amazing that with all the shit happening in gaming, he thinks it's not going to happen. Santa is coming and he's bringing gifts
  6. No it's not. And you're gonna LOSE YOUR SHIT when it happens. And I'm going to be here to rub it in your face
  7. Plat doesn't need to get ownership per-se... they just need to get Nintendo out of the equation, or in agreement to allow the games to be ported to other platforms. Yes, Sega does control everything. That hasn't changed. Nintendo has rights to Bayo 2 and 3. That's it. The question isn't about the future... but whether ports are possible or not. You SIMPLY DON'T say those words... if the possibility isn't there.. This sentence... is planting the idea that it could happen. I have no doubt that they already know it's possible... otherwise they w
  8. Tencent offered freedom with no strings attached. That's more valuable than anything Nintendo gives them... only owning half of an IP. Sega is the boss here dude... lmao. Bayo 4 could be funded without Nintendo.. and I bet Sega has that clause in place... if they ever want to enact it. "Nintendo was ok with" Get used to saying that Jer... it's the art of the deal
  9. lmao... bubut Nintendo pays well Tencent pays better... And it's not child-like.. It's quite probable. I'm sticking by it. Bayo 2's days are numbered. Platinum isn't just bringing this shit up for nothing. But yea dude... keep thinking that in a world where MS games are on Switch, PS games are coming to PC, and Nintendo just allowed Platinum to bring a game they co-own to other platforms........................ that Nintendo allowing Bayo ports on other platforms.... is out of the question *screenshot*
  10. Astral Chain as a wholly Nintendo owned IP certainly could be a replacement for Bayo in Nintendo's eyes. Nintendo probably knows that they'll NEVER own full rights to Bayo... so they're gonna make the money off of it they can. This is gonna come back to you little dude. I'm gonna enjoy it.. like I will with Horizon ZD
  11. LMAO.. dude.. Bayo 2 and 3 are the only RIGHTS Nintendo has to the IP. They down own the IP... they aren't in charge of it. They payed to complete Bayo 2 and funded Bayo 3. Sega still owns the rights. lmao.. you laugh at my theory... but then state afterwards... "it would have to be 3 games, and for life " Sega owns this shit... and either Nintendo is on board, or they gettin off the train.. TW101 was the first stop... 3 more to go WE COMIN FOR THAT ASSSSSSS BOOOOOYYYIIIIEEEEE
  12. That's right... because they're going to be busy making multiplat games of IPs that they own which have a chance to sell much more. It's very simple... PG is gaining leverage. This Tencent deal gave them much more leverage than they would normally have. And Nintendo knows it. They have a great relationship... which is why it's in Nintendo's interest to set up an IP that they have 100% control over... which was Astral Chain. Bayonetta and Sega is more complicated and if Sega hasn't sold the entire rights to Nintendo yet... they're not going to. You're forgetting the Sega side o
  13. I'm not telling you it's a fucking policy... lmao just stop right there. I'm saying that it's possible. I'm also saying that I think it's very PROBABLE. I like how you're trying to insinuate that SEGA would be the ones complicating this thing... lmao. And we all KNOW... that it's what Platinum wants. If Nintendo wants any more Platinum Games Bayonetta titles after the 3rd one... they better be ready to play ball.. PG has that Tencent money now, and suddenly Nintendo's not as necessary as they once were
  14. Konami absolutely wouldn't release Twin Snakes. That game is complete garbage. Konami doesn't rerelease games like that often regardless. They're only now beginning to do anything. It's going to be forever exclusive to Nintendo... because it was a favor specifically for Nintendo. Konami hasn't done shit with MG since Kojima left. What makes you think they'd be rushing out to put TS on anything? lmao... it's a known terrible version of MGS.. even Konami knows that the vast majority of people would prefer the PS version. Rogue Squadron games are probably just as much of an issu
  15. We just got a game announcement that proves otherwise though... Rogue Squadron is on PC. Twinsnakes was a garbage game and a favor from Kojima. Times are changing.
  16. Sounds right. I think Nintendo and Platinum are going to work something out. It might sound ridiculous, but I have a feeling that Platinum developed Astral Chain as a way of potentially making this happen. I feel like Nintendo knows how important Bayonetta is to Platinum Games, and in return of giving them some control over ports of the older Bayo games, they're working together to build up another Nintendo/PG only franchise. Bayo 3 will be the new hotness anyway, and a port of that could come some time later as well. As for future games, Nintendo and Sega could sta
  17. Yea, you're right. Nintendo probably only has 1/2 rights to Bayo 2 and 3... and after that Sega can do what they want... because they are the sole owner of the IP.
  18. I know. It IS.. it's a huge difference. Definitely worth the initial performance hit. New ways of rendering always are. More and more games are releasing with RT... so... duh. It will... and maybe then you'll realize how big of a dumbo you are RTXcellent
  19. You're A GOD DAMN IDIOT THOUGH. You simply ARENT taking that into account. I remember when you said 4K was a fad and that you could barely see the difference.... Dude.... get used to games with RT... then go back... you'll see the difference... trust me. I'm right.... again.
  20. You don't even know what you're looking for
  21. This was that game that started out as a RE2 fan project and then Capcom shut them down to make RE2 themselves. So they took what they had and made this out of it. I think the 1998 is an homage to RE2, since that's the year it was released.
  22. I swear Alex just listens to me and regurgitates what I've been saying. RT+DLSS You guys know when people say "yea, but it doesn't look like that during gameplay" because all the lighting effects and shadows that devs put in cut scenes to make it look good are only done during cutscenes... well with RT, that lighting is on all the time. Things just look sooo much better. It's only going to become more apparent with time.
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