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Everything posted by Remij

  1. They are 100% pushing in the direction they are because of their failure and Sony's utter dominance.. no question. I agree 100%. But this is just putting a speed up on something that was going to happen eventually regardless. MS is in a unique position where their entire business revolves around the cloud. The cloud will affect every single industry in this world. Nothing can escape it. MS, and Phil specifically... is making the best out of the current situation... but their eyes are on the long haul prize. Xbox would have been dropped 100% if Phil didn't convince Nadella that they coul
  2. Curiosity got the better of me. They've been out of stock ever since they were announced here. Couldn't find them anywhere. Then a homie at EBgames told me they got a few in and asked if I wanted it, so I said sure. I like collecting controllers and thought I should give it a chance. So.. I'm gonna give an honest review of it. Overall, I like it. The quality feels nice, and the screen is actually pretty handy to have (as much as I was making fun of it, I still think it's a bit too big for what it is) but the fact that it's a self contained unit and works independently of the
  3. End of an era, really. Rod is a good dude. Hopefully whoever replaces him will be more willing to change the series up and reboot it. Makes me wonder if Mike Ybarra poached Rod lol
  4. Phil's not wrong... at all. You have to be a complete fuckhead to not understand what he's saying. MS is looking much farther ahead than "another typical generation"... I said that shit since SS.net. They are pushing gaming in the direction of cloud computing which plays to the strengths and benefits of working for the entire company. They do that... and they have the entirety of MS backing them fullstop. Then it's not just about "gaming"... it's about cloud services.. and MS will put their might behind that. MS has been working on their entire dev stack.. streamlining and imp
  5. 2013 apparently. TW101 and this
  6. It deserves nothing less. Ever since they did away with quality packaging, and with the advent of releasing unfinished or buggy games and patching later... retail isn't worth the trouble anymore. They can lock you out of your games just as easily as they could with digital games. What happened to retail games is so sad imo. Remember big box PC games, and long boxes? Nice 8bit/16bit boxes with full color manuals inside and beautiful artwork... If that was the norm still, I'd be physical all the way... but these days you get nothing but a case which barely protects th
  7. Nintendo sure is lucky that console gamers buy handhelds as companion systems
  8. At this point Sony doesn't have to do much to beat Nintendo's numbers. Sales predictably drop off, but there's more consumers than ever with PS4s buying games and spending that moolah.
  9. Because Sony has already sold 2x as much hardware and they charge more for PSN, and their games sell crazy amounts too
  10. Nvidioso Xlost gamer violated by PCMasterRapist suffers RTXcruciating anal pain uses Adaptive Controller to control wheelchair WATCH NOW on Xhermster.com
  11. No... nobody cares that lemmings aren't getting the game. Lemmings never initially celebrated the game coming to X1... not that I saw. They were celebrating the same thing that they are now.. which was sheep losing an exclusive title of theirs, which happens to be a Nintendo co-owned IP
  12. Nobody cares.. which is why nobody is reacting to that. TSLHBR
  13. Keep dissing Nvidia and you'll soon have an RTX-life BTW my wife was RTXtatic
  14. You bought 2 or 3 Xboxes.. RTX flopping is the least of your problems
  15. You're still celebrating games that aren't on Switch dumbo... like I said.. you know all about it
  16. Yea, kinda like Shiip celebrated when Xbox games went to PC.. you know all about that Nintendo IP on PS4 and PC
  17. That's the PC... by itself. RTXcluded
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