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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Of course it is. Pretty sure I told you that would be the future for all these companies. Thanks for reminding me how on point I was
  2. Begging for funding... probably keeping MS in negotiations just in case their plans fell through.. then they would have sold the company. LOL Holy shit! Oh well... Platinum Games for all. Thanks Tencent
  3. I'll play Bayo 2 on PC in 4K until then. LOLOLOL
  4. I look forward to revisiting it in the future
  5. And? LOL I'll be buying TW101 if it comes to PC. Of course... I've been on a bit of a roll lately with "ask and ye shall receive"... Bayo 2 next? We'll see
  6. They wanted independence. I can respect that. And I'm not sure about that... these deals don't happen over night. What's confirmed here is that they actually WERE in negotiations
  7. Yes... I want Platinum Games games on PC... yes, I made this thread to laugh at the Sheep... I don't think those motives were ever really in doubt LOL.
  8. Yea, the idea was SO far fetched that.... they were ACTUALLY negotiating it This is good too though. Tencent money means Platinum no longer has to be bogged down and locked into making Switch games only. Now SEGA can kick Nintendo to the curb, have Tencent fund multiplat versions of new Bayonetta games
  9. If they are willing to let TW101 be ported to other platforms... seems like it would also be in their interest to release Bayo 2 as well... build up anticipation for Bayo 3
  10. God you're fucking stupid. Sony didn't merge their markets... they dropped their handheld market. Their handheld market is currently not being served... Nintendo merged both of their markets into a single platform...which still serves BOTH those markets. Literally the stupidest thing I've ever had to explain to someone at System Wars.. ROFL
  11. Huh? Explaining to your dumb ass that merging two divisions on one platform to serve one market =/= merging two divisions one one platform that serves TWO markets.. Lmao you're dumb as fuck LOL
  12. Sales numbers between Nintendo and Sony make no difference to me. But since numbers mean so much to you...Sony made more money alone off PSN alone than Nintendo did in its entirety... and that's 1 market vs 2 combined
  13. Sony's one platform serves one market Nintendo's one platform serves two markets Funny how this was already explained by me, and you chose to ignore it and make yourself look like a complete fucking tool trying to dinglejehurey Gouko LOL
  14. No... Jerry said it WAS! And it was going to use Volta. And then the Switch 2 was coming.. and it was going to use another future architecture!
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