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Everything posted by Remij

  1. and no longer serving the market they used to... which Madmal said. Let me spell it out for you. Nintendo merged handheld and console resources into a single platform which serves both markets Sony merged their handheld resources into their single platform which only serves one of those markets That clear enough for you?
  2. They're making games for the console... the console market only. The PS4 doesn't double as a handheld... so that "division" as you put it.. no longer satisfies that market.
  3. Yea I noticed... you meant to offense... but these fuckheads take any perceived attack on their precious Switch extremely serious and will spaz out. YOU ARE DOWNPLAYING SWITCHES SUCCESS
  4. "whether 2019 sales numbers being higher mean people like it more than PS4 or not"..... get it right bitch Jehurey *takes the week off in preparation to argue for forever, and notifies his lover Goukosan* Goukosan *I gotta protec my baby* Ironic in that he's literally the only person responding right now.. answering the call
  5. You made a point... and he's having a hard time sorting out the distinction between what you said, and his response. He should just go back to talking about Switch NPD monthly numbers being great and not push people to dig too deep into the reasoning behind it.. aside from "Nintendo is amazing! "
  6. You're literally arguing with me about it right now. Watch: What a BS argument? Uh.. no, it's not a BS argument... what I said is true...and you could have just ignored it... but now you're arguing with me about it and whether what I said was BS or not... and then you'll respond to it AGAIN... claiming that it's BS and you weren't caught up in it... LMAO... Gouko.. next time cut your losses. I never said ANYTHING about Switch not selling better. You got caught up full Nintendoforce fanbitch mode and took it as an attack on Switch because I state
  7. No... because the PS4 doesn't also substitute as a handheld and serve both markets.... LMAO... those people actually probably moved over to Switch.. which explains why Nintendo's doing well
  8. You did... you literally responded to me about it... the definition of getting caught up in it And it wasn't damage control. I never said people didn't like it, or that it didn't sell better in 2019. You can say Switch sold better in 2019 all you want... but you simply CAN'T say selling better in 2019 means more people like the Switch more than the PS4. Next time... when you're consoling Jehurey as he's telling you all the bad things I'm doing... resist the urge to run up in his defense and get yourself caught up in it then..
  9. Yes... because then I force you to make stupid fucking cocky posts like this, which I then use against you... when the time comes.. LOL Remember how I said I goad you into making yourself look like an idiot... that's what you're doing.. right now... and I LOVE IT
  10. Oh... I've got that post Jer..... that post was made before you tied your own noose and hung yourself with it. You know... that post you're holding on to for dear life..... which was made BEFORE the PSNow announcement... after which you completely SHUT DOWN ANY POSSIBILITY that it was ever going to happen. Your attitude right after that PSNow announcement completely changed.. and you were on some "never happening" and "there's your PC version" bullshit Yea... you're NAILED HARD AS FUCK... And you were warned
  11. Ah... you guys been talking about me lots have you? Is he your therapist or something? Rem is being SO DISRESPECTFUL TO SWITCH!! I can't let him get away with this! Are you talking to him right now?
  12. I still can't believe he actually typed this... despite the fact knowing that I argued with him that the games on PSNow... had expiry dates.... That thread is gonna be so fun when I make it
  13. I never said anything about that. LMAO... you're moving goalposts in an attempt to draw me into a... strawman.. surprise surprise... Switch absolutely sold the most. No question. That doesn't mean that more people liked the Switch in 2019. LOL.. you can ASK people which system they preferred. One popular gaming forum which is strongly pro Switch placed in last out of all the consoles in 2019, unfortunately. Still sold REALLY well though. If that makes you happy
  14. No... YOU started talking about Dynamite being always wrong. You brought up that subject. He wasn't wrong when he agreed with me that HZD was coming to PC. You were SO SURE I was going to be wrong... and him agreeing with me was one of your reasons Turns out...... YOU were wrong
  15. "had enough of the PS4" No.... people didn't have "enough of the PS4"..... enough people have PS4s already...... VERY CLEAR distinction there... idiot. Trying to talk about "hotter item" Then bringing up your weak as fuck analogy which completely misses the point... because the amount of money movies make HAS NOTHING TO DO with whether people actually LIKED ONE MOVIE MORE THAN THE OTHER... all it means is more people went to see it... LMFAO THANK YOU for making it so crystal clear how fucking STUPID your logic is!!
  16. He wasn't wrong when he said the same thing that I said, which was that Horizon Zero Dawn was coming to PC. Remember when you tried to make it sound like since he was saying the same thing I was saying that it meant I was gonna be wrong?? Remember how it turned out that YOU were wrong instead?
  17. Not at all. I never contested that the Switch didn't sell the most this year than PS4. My argument from the start is that if you try to present those numbers to mean that Switch was a better platform in 2019... then I'm calling your bitch ass out on it... because that's simply not a fact. You tried dodging that by claiming "bubut people care about Switch because they bought it"... which has nothing to do with what I said. Switch selling more in 2019, and having more "good rated games" on Metacritic in 2019 does not mean for a fact that people think it's a better platform to own
  18. No lmao. Consumers bought more of one than the other... because the other has already saturated the market. That says NOTHING about what system they liked better in 2019 Idiot
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