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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I'm gonna play HL:A before I decide just how lazy and blind eye they are about HL.. the game could be the best thing ever
  2. The game will not flop. The budget isn't monstrous. I doubt they care. They make things that interest them... they never have to make another HL game again I get that you're upset because you have to buy a VR set or play a bootleg modded version... but
  3. Fuck off with the "floaty hands" shit... You can tell that people who say that shit have never played a VR game in their life And I disagree... VR is exactly the place where Valve can push boundaries and do justice to the technology....
  4. I'll have to wait till I play it to see if it's ultimately better as a game or not.. but HL has always been about pushing things forward. Making the same game with prettier graphics is probably boring to them. Giving people a new and exciting way to interact with the world and "feeling like you're there" while figuring out and solving technical hurdles is probably what motivated them to make anything HL again in the first place. Hopefully it does well commercially and critically and Valve has made something that reinvigorates them to push ahead with a traditional game... but I'm
  5. I think it will make it better in a different way than it ever could have been as a "real" HL3.
  6. I don't understand this reasoning. I mean, OBVIOUSLY the fact that it being VR limits how many people can and will potentially be able to play the game... however, immersiveness and gameplay will ALWAYS make the experience feel more next-gen than prettier graphics ever will. Half Life as a franchise deserves the chance to push what VR can offer as far as it can go IMO.
  7. Good... as long as you're not arguing that... then shut the fuck up, because I'm not saying anything against your precious Switch numbers dipshit.. you're the one that perceives that as an attack on Switch My only point was "just because a console sells the most in one year, does not mean more people like that console better than another console they own" so as long as you don't insinuate that Switch is better, then you're fine. People REALLY DONT give a shit about your fucking fanboy numbers... When it comes to what people liked the most... when they were asked.. it was PS4.
  8. How many awards did Asschain win compared to Control? LOL. Did I say it wouldn't do a million or something? I can't remember.
  9. Your logic that because someone bought something it means they like said something more than another said something they bought.... is fucking retarded. I never said you couldn't say Switch sold more retard... just dont insinuate that because it sold more than PS4.. that people think it's better.... because when you actually ASK people that question... PS4 stomps it Goobisan.. Next time instead of getting your fee fees hurt.. look at what people are actually saying. he's downplaying Switches success! Attack him!!!!!!
  10. Yeah you could say that. You'd be right.. if that's all you're saying. If you try to say that because more people bought Switches in that timeframe that those same people like their Switches more than their PS4s... then I'd have an issue... because that's certainly not a fact. To know that...you have to ask people... and ReserERA did... and people liked PS4 BEST
  11. Yes... exactly... more people care about PS4... because more people owned them in 2019... So when were talking about which platform most people care the most about in 2019.... it's the PS4.. And YES... in 2020 more people will care about the Switch and PS4 than they will the PS5 and XSX.... duh... more people own them... its not hard to understand.. There's a reason why people call you Goobersan
  12. My entire point is that Switch selling more in 2019 according to NPD does not mean that people care about Switch more than PS4. It doesn't mean that people like their new Switches better than their previously bought PS4s... it simply means people bought them.. for whatever reason. NPD sales numbers, and Metacritic games lists don't indicate AT ALL, people preferring Switch over PS4. Quite CLEARLY more people own and care about PS4 than Switch in 2019. More people spent more money on Playstation in 2019. Sony made more money than Nintendo in 2019. So that's not even
  13. if 2x the people keep trying it quarter after quarter... that's growth $1 or not You actually SHOULD be paying me a dollar... since you're a recurring subscriber to being on my dick.. but nah.. as my best customer it's on the house
  14. So... they're telling us the same thing that they were telling us the quarter before... when they had half the subscribers.... You can't possibly know what GP will do when the promotions stop... until they do. All we can say right now... is that it's GROWING quarter over quarter. Growth
  15. You're running so hard now. You're changing the subject from what was said... More people care about PS4 in 2019.. that's just a fact. More people own them... The ONLY thing you can say about Switch is that it's SELLING better in 2019... and we all know there's plenty of reasons for that. Absolutely NONE of which mean that people like their Switches more than their PS4s. And that's the bottom line
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