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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I figured you guys would appreciate it. I dunno if it's any good or not, but it definitely looks worth the try.
  2. The people were asked, Jehurey.... you didn't like the answer is all To know what people care about, and like the most in comparison to each other in 2019... you have to ask them that directly. Metacritic numbers and NPD numbers don't tell that story.. Denied
  3. I'm directly contending that notion... idiot. Just because more people bought a Switch in 2019... does NOT mean that they care more about it in 2019 than other platforms.. Because WHEN YOU ASK PEOPLE DIRECTLY ABOUT WHICH PLATFORMS THEY CARE ABOUT IN 2019... THEY OVERWHELMINGLY VOTE IN FAVOR OF OTHER PLATFORMS.
  4. You ARE insinuating though... you don't have to... but you ARE.. which is why you're continuing to argue with me about this, despite being clearly shown that your talking points mean shit to people. I'm telling you your data points don't translate into people thinking a product is better than another product... which is what you are trying to PROJECT. You're being told that Switch has a bloated shitshow of an eshop and you guys keep toting that Switch had the most good releases in 2019 according to Metacritic... I'm telling you that datapoint doesn't fucking matter to people and i
  5. Sorry... but you are insinuating that what you are saying makes Switch a better system than the others in 2019... I'm telling you that you're wrong... and what you're implying with your data points doesn't confirm that. STOP insinuating that Switch is the best platform of 2019 because of those points... and I'll stop responding. Because when asked DIRECTLY... about which platform people thought was best in 2019... they overwhelmingly chose other platforms over Switch.
  6. That's not an answer to my question... And since it's NOT stated anywhere, I'd say the PC has more.. since 9/50 listed games on Switch are exclusive, and 12/50 on PC are exclusive.
  7. But it doesn't mean that people were more satisfied with their Switch in 2019 than they were were their PS4 or Xbox... it just means Nintendo gave them enough of a reason to spend money on their product To find that out which console people think was best in 2019... you have to ask people that question directly... and people OVERWHELMINGLY voted other consoles as better in 2019.
  8. They don't mean that gamers think that Switch was the best console of 2019..
  9. My response was and has been, that your data points mean nothing to people... the ones you so clearly hold on to. The proof is right there.... when you ASK PEOPLE DIRECTLY. Let me know when you can show that your data points prove that people think Switch was a better console to own in 2019 than any other.
  10. More people own PS4's than Switches... That's legitimate. I guess that means PS4's 2019 was better... since more people in 2019 played PS4 than Switch. You lose either way... no matter how much you try to downplay
  11. You don't have to like it Jehurey. But you have to deal with it. Nothing about what you said means Switch was a better platform for gamers in 2019. People were asked that question specifically and directly... and clearly voted against your implication that it was
  12. Yea... because the thing you want to do RIGHT BEFORE you release a groundbreaking HL game in VR, is give people a terribly rudimentary version of that experience and potentially turn new people off of the series altogether? Sounds great!
  13. No.. you didn't. It's the best representation we have of gamer's satisfaction with the console in 2019... because that is what was SPECIFICALLY asked.. Switch is behind Xbox bro
  14. You didn't make it irrelevant. You're downplaying the significance of it... because it doesn't align with what you're trying to insinuate. If Switch was the #1 platform in that poll... you wouldn't say a single fucking thing about it Switch selling the best in 2019... does not mean people like it better than PS4 in 2019 Switch having the most good releases according to Metacritic... does not mean people think it was a better game machine in 2019 Switch having a good 2019... does not mean people like Switch more than PS4.. NOT AT ALL. You're data po
  15. It's the biggest gaming forum poll... That's the most relevant and all encompassing poll one could take. You're NOOOOOOT changing that. Sorry... but Switch selling more in 2019 is just as likely to be the case because people ALREADY own other consoles. Switch didn't sell more in 2019 because Metacritic said it had the most good games released.... at the end of the year..... LOL. It also didn't sell the most because some analyst said it sold the most.... some analyst said it sold the most.... because it sold the most for other reasons. That has NOTHING to do with cons
  16. LOL It's the truest indicator we have of people's satisfaction of the console... and is the most accurate representation of the greater population we have. No data point you have does anything to suggest that people view Switch's 2019 as better than any other platform because it sold more, or because Metacritic said it had the most good releases. If we look at how people spent their money... ie "voting with their wallets" then other platforms clearly made much more money in 2019 since more people own those platforms.. suggesting a higher level of satisfaction. Other platforms CLEARLY have s
  17. I mean, I've had VR for years, so yea I'm prepared lol. Are you getting a headset for Alyx @The Mother Fucker ?
  18. I'm not debating those points.... I'm telling you that they DON'T MATTER. I've made that CLEAR. What you are saying in this thread DOESN'T MATTER... and it DOESN'T make Switch the best system in 2019... LIKE YOU ARE IMPLYING IT DOES. And no... a ResetERA poll is not anecdotal.. lmao People... didn't think Switch was even CLOSE to the best platform in 2019... in fact... most people asked thought Xbox One was a BETTER PLATFORM to play games in 2019. You're NEVER changing that... lmao
  19. It's not irrelevant... because you're implying that Switch hitting those talking points makes it the best system in 2019... The people CLEARLY disagree with you.... and you're NOT changing that.
  20. I never said the people don't give a fuck about the product... I said people don't give a fuck about what YOU are saying. And what YOU are saying doesn't make the Switch the best system in 2019, as you're implying it does. People have CLEARLY spoken when directly asked about how they view the consoles in 2019....
  21. The first "sign-scrolling" puzzler It's ~$20CAD with 10% off right now https://store.steampowered.com/app/466630/The_Pedestrian/
  22. It's like you don't understand what you're being told. People aren't spending their money because of what you're saying..... and what you're saying DOESN'T make the Switch a better system to play games in 2019.... The people need to be questioned to find the answer to that out.... and when asked... people overwhelmingly DON'T consider Switch even close to the best in 2019.
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