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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Now, obviously it doesn't mean it has anything to do with the next Fable game.. but it gives us a hint about what kind of quality these guys are capable of. It's insane how detailed the materials and textures could likely be in next gen real time cutscenes. Wonder if this is the kind of quality BluePoint is going to go for with their Demon's Souls Remake? lol
  2. I understand that. Many people have been hinting for a while now that Sony would reveal "soon", or "not long from now" so I'm still expecting something sooner rather than later, and myself personally, would be disappointed if it's much later than Feb/Mar. I'm too curious at this point to know what features they will have, as well as how they explain what the new SSDs can do for games.
  3. Spend less on my next Nvidia GPU than I would have otherwise We both know that's not going to happen though
  4. Bullshit. You're flat out lying if you didn't think we'd get something by Feb.
  5. Damn. You have a point about the quality game releases in the first half of the year making the wait easier... but still... everyone pretty much expected to hear SOMETHING by now. Sony's gone so long without saying anything really. I'm really excited to know where things will finally fall. I'd be like a 7/10.
  6. How disappointed would you be on a scale of 1-10 if Sony doesn't unveil the PS5 in February? The press was invited to the PS4 reveal event on Jan 31st.. so there's still time... but it's looking less likely that it's going to be in Feb. For the PS4... Sony was also at E3 that year... so this year, since they wont be at E3, maybe they aren't pressured to have the event early and will push it back to a bit before E3. That would suck if we still have 3+ months more of this speculation bullshit.
  7. Seems too enthusiastic and specific to be a mistake, no?
  8. Don't you know? ...Anything is possible when it's Sony and not MS.
  9. lmao thinking that Sony would have anyone other than Kojima work on a Metal Gear game... Whatever though... they're not selling these franchises.
  10. Ok.. how so? How much different would a Demon's Souls PS5 exclusive look and be, compared to a Demon's Souls cross gen game built to take advantage of PS5? I'm not stupid dude... I know the new consoles are capable of things the old consoles aren't... but what I'm interested in is what people think that difference will be AT LAUNCH and within the first year. What about a DS remake (lol) couldn't be downgraded and modified to work on the PS4? What kind of changes are you expecting them to make to that gameplay?
  11. You're dodging so fucking hard here... lmao. How hard is it to answer my question? How confident are you that Sony's PS5's launch exclusives will look and play decidedly more next gen than a cross gen game built with the new hardware in mind?
  12. It also makes them look bad if they aren't demonstrably better than the "cross gen titles" built to take advantage of the new hardware around launch. How confident are you?
  13. It appealed more to kids. But yea, crazy how that game was DEAD as a SP game, and then they managed to turn it into the biggest MP game of a generation lol
  14. I already knew which one it was before even clicking. lol So fucking hilarious
  15. "The biggest fanboys" Lmao.. I guess we'll know for sure after how they handle PS first party games coming PC
  16. That Osiris guy at GAF said the next gen game "vertical slice" he saw has a main character and environment even more realistic than the what was in the demo I posted. I dunno about that... but that's what he's saying. Also, it sounds like PS5 may have the better Ray Tracing implementation according to those guys. BTW, this Project Mara video... is rendered in real-time. It's not "real footage".. RT
  17. That Tommy Fisher guy from GAF seems to be pretty sure of himself.. That all seems pretty believable imo. Pretty much no real difference between them.
  18. I find it hilariously ironic that people call Jonb a hermit and me a lemming at this point
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