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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Looking forward to it. We need more high quality AAA horror games.
  2. Again fuckhead.... I never said Nintendo couldn't make another console with different Nvidia hardware.
  3. Where is your proof of that? LMAO... Developing a Switch Pro does not mean Switch reg and Switch lite cease production You guys are so fucking hilarious
  4. Where do they say all of this? LMAO... you're literally just making shit up. Please show me where Nintendo has said they are making a family of products for the next 20 years.. And WHERE DO I SAY THEY WONT USE NVIDIA???? You guys are legitimately fucked..
  5. Not sure how many times you fuckheads need to be told... I never said that. I even said "it could use the architecture AFTER Ampere".... See the post above... again... because you guys are legit dumb as fuck
  6. lmao.. posts this.. .and again doesn't post proof of any multi console contract.. He's talking about Nintendo's history of supporting their handheld systems which LO AND BEHOLD have been in production for 10 years.... And yea LMAO no shit I realize that... which proves my fucking point... The DS lasted 9 years... the 3DS... another 9 years.... different chips... Again IDIOT... I never said they wouldn't use another architecture for another console in that time.... I said they made a contract to guarantee the production of Tegra X1(+) chips for 10 years.
  7. Exactly... Nvidia is controlling the manufacturing. They are guaranteeing the production of their Tegra X1(+) SoC for Nintendo for the next 10 years... Nintendo undoubtedly knew that they were getting CHEAP left over Nvidia chips they had stocked up... and they wanted to guarantee that there would be production after those were all used up. Nintendo absolutely knew that Nvidia had no other use for those things and that they had risk of being discontinued. The ONLY reason the TX1+ exists is because of Nintendo... guaranteed. And again.. I absolutely never said Nintendo and Nvidia
  8. You dumb fuck DS was in production for 9 years... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_DS 3DS was in production for 9 years... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_3DS They LITERALLY mention them... "Nintendo is well known for investing in hardware architecture for the long term. You need only look at the DS/2DS/3DS ($277.95 at Amazon) to see that. So he believes it will be the same for the Switch going forward; he envisions, "a relationship that will likely last two decades." like... What the fuck is wrong with you id
  9. Great proof you have there.... You DO NOT speak like this when you have a firm contract in place You guys CLEARLY are pulling shit from your ass. Nintendo... nor Sony or MS make a contract for multi systems decades in advance..you make contracts to supply companies for a period of time..
  10. 2GBs is still going to be a huge game changer. As was said by Cerny.. it's not just the speed of the controller.. it's the I/O bus, the software stack (filesystems, compression ect) on top of that which will push the capabilities of the drive further. Since they're planning on using the drive as virtual RAM, they've got a reason to push latencies down as low as possible. You're essentially going to have a drive that can read and write super fast. 2GBs with 13GB of usable RAM.. that's ~6 seconds max to swap out the entire RAM. Considering that no game is going to be swapping out
  11. No he didn't. It had both of them before. Sony removed "Windows PC" after the fact.
  12. Jehurey... read what I said ffs... The contract in place is for one specific GPU for 10 years. That doesn't mean that they can't have a contract to make a future console with Nintendo within that time frame. I never EVER said that. I told you in that thread they could just as well use an architecture AFTER Ampere rather than Ampere... or nothing at all. Having a contract with Nvidia for 10 years for the Switch 1, does not mean they have one.. or could or couldn't have a different one for a different console... just that there is NO proof of that yet. And in relation
  13. I'll take that bet It's gonna suck HARD.. the PS4 version will be slightly better
  14. Dude.. are you fucking stupid. You think that's a contradiction to what I'm typing... but it's not. That SAME GPU... is the Switch Tegra X1......... They will guarantee that part till 2027. That's the 10 year contract I'm talking about... Having a contract to produce Switch parts for 10 years... does not mean that they have or don't have a contract in place to produce another console that would release in that time period... or that they can't... You know that last gen consoles continue production after the next gen consoles release... right?
  15. Dude... lmao... their contract is to guarantee Switch components for 10 years That would put them GUARANTEEING Switch components until 2027 for Nintendo wants. Jensen said he BELIEVED their relationship would last 20 years because Nintendo supports their hardware for a long time when they are successful. He said he ENVISIONED a future where that's the case, due to how successful the Switch has been. That is NOT a contract for 20 years... is it? You don't say words like "believed" and "envision" when you ACTUALLY have a contract in place.. Nothing about wh
  16. I would rather that than hear you try to make up reasons about how what you're saying is actually smart and the rest of us are dumb You don't even realize how stupid you sound right now with the "release it on everything but the XO" God you're sooo fucking DUMB
  17. Both are giving them trouble... It's not just memory... it's the CPU.. PS4 isn't escaping that fate either
  18. lmao you're trying to build a narrative that I said they couldn't use any parts other than Tegras... meanwhile I already had said it could just as easily be the architecture after Ampere... This is what I said: Nintendo has a 10 year contract...for Switch Tegra parts.. to guarantee production for that long if required There's nothing that indicates that Nintendo and Nvidia have a contract for parts outside of the Switch I NEVER said that Nintendo couldn't use Nvidia parts in the future... I was arguing with you that there was no reason to th
  19. The funny thing, I just remembered, is that you said that my thread about Ampere "was great news for Nintendo"... but yet they're using old Volta tech... lmao. So like I said... nothing in that thread I posted had any effect on Nintendo's upcoming console revision. Then you tried making it about 10 years in the future I was right again
  20. lmao no... They're possibly putting volta GPUs in a Switch... PRO... Does this mention that production of all previous Switch models is stopping? They're not phasing out anything dude.. lmao. And I never even said they they HAD to produce Tegra's for 10 years... just that they could have that contract in place to produce them for that long if Nintendo desired them. LOL dude... stop strawmanning. You were wrong. No Ampere... Like I said... I never said they couldn't/wouldn't use other Nvidia architectures...
  21. You're conflating what I said. I never said Nintendo couldn't use another Nvidia GPU architecture... I said that the contract was for 10 years of Tegra X1 production for Switch... Meaning they would guarantee production of that chip for that long for Nintendo.... BIIIIIIIG difference there Jehurey. I also said they wouldn't be using Ampere... and it looks like I was right. Not even turing in fact
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