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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I think you're dreaming I also told you that when the XSX launches... the 2080 will be a mid range card... There will be cards in the $400 range on PC that are better than XSX... with far better RT tech And no.... being able to play the exclusive games from Sony, MS, and Nintendo through emulation, as well as the best versions of multiplats on one single box is worth the money. You're running out buying another Xbox console... when you're going to upgrade your PC anyway
  2. lmao $2000 PCs now vs $2000 PCs a year from now....when AMD is finally competing. We'll see about that Jon Big Navi alone looks to shit on Xbox Series X. 80CUs vs 52CUs You don't think that far ahead, do you? Which is why I said you were stupid for buying a Dell with a shit GPU... and then you buying a new one immediately after
  3. So your 2060 IS a PoS then it is!!!!! but it isn't!!! but it IS!!!!
  4. I never said they did... I said they brought the tech to enable it... meaning real-time....biiiiiiitch Yea, and devs have been learning and coding using that hardware during that time... I know you're excited.. and happy that you wont have to upgrade your 2060 just to play next gen games with RT. Or will you?
  5. Next gen started when Nvidia brought the tech to enable it... 2 years before.. and our PCs are ready for devs to take full advantage of them You're ready.... for Xbox One X... to be put in the closet
  6. Yeah... except the ones with RT amirite? Getting mad cause I'm shitting on Xbox. ROFL.. your 2060 shits on your Xbox... and it's the GPU you're going to play Sony exclusive games with on your PC. Something your Shitbox One X will never do... Not sure why you'd think I'd be mad about that. RTX flopped so bad MS is hyping it for its next console
  7. I'm not hyping a 970, nor shitting on a 2060. I'm shitting on YOU and X1X You're the one that says 2060 isn't good enough and that RT sucks and flopped... YOU chose to buy it...
  8. You WOULD know.... you bought the lowest possible quality version of it JONBX1XHBR
  9. No.. Xbox resolution doesn't. It's dynamic.. in both modes. X1X was a flop. A dirty one. And the rest of my post was pure truth.. and you know it
  10. Hellblade 2's visuals were "in engine" so regardless of whether we think the XSX could do that in real-time or not... it shows for a fact that we're a far way away from diminishing returns. That looked FAR better than anything we have in current games.
  11. Dude, X1X runs at 1080p-1300p in "performance mode" and never comes close to 60fps in Novigrad... and has FAR less NPCs. It's not even a comparison. Not only that... but a GTX970 rapes the X1X in the fact that it doesn't need "enhanced" versions of games to run better.... and then there's the fact that a GTX970 will play PS4 games far better than an X1X will ever be able to LMFAO TCHBR
  12. You don't need one to see it takes a shit on X1X there. There's no chance of reaching anything close to 60fps.
  13. Remij


    RT Minecraft.. only on PC,XSX,PS5, and XCloud.
  14. Remij


    Google has done spectacularly well at completely fucking up their own chances. MS and Sony have fully established game libraries, first parties, and don't have quite the challenge that Google does in trying to build a base. They will definitely grow it.
  15. Remij


    Was it posted here before?
  16. There's literally nothing those angled parts add. They just make an otherwise decent looking console, ugly imo.
  17. It's not going to be 2x the performance of the 5700XT though. So as long as you didn't say that.. you should be fine.
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