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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Death Stranding isn't a first party Stay mad
  2. Oh... so I'm not supposed to be disappointed that they announced games far too early, and then went years doing nothing but hyping those same games and not having anything new to show at conventions for literal years.... and I'm STILL not playing those games yet????? Fuck off dude.
  3. I never said that. I quite clearly hold each company to different standards... not denying that. It's when Sony starts to act like they are above certain things is when I have a problem with them. Their output in 2019 was pathetic. They've been dangling TLOU2 over our heads for ages... and people think that years going by with no new announcements from them is acceptable... because we've get to get their big final games... lmao I don't give a flying FUCK.
  4. Sweet fuck all for new game announcements you fucking clown.... And you don't get to tell me what I think sweetie... not ever. Stay mad.
  5. You always want to talk about Xbox.... I'm talking about Sony... and what I see of them. You're not seeing some special Sony that I'm not dude... I hold Sony to certain standards that they themselves set.... You have 2 of the best E3's in existence, and then 2 of the worst.. and then no more.. They've had 2 years of sweet fuck all and hyping the same games.... as excited as I am for those games... that's extremely disappointing to me.
  6. Exactly. They're making money. Fortnite made over 1.8 Billion last year.... The store isn't going away They're building on the user base by enticing people with free games.. and as new systems come online people will start using the store more and more.
  7. No it's not. I'm comparing them to themselves. Sony's E3 2016 was absolutely phenomenal. I can't stress how disappointing any "show" of theirs has been since... and how the fact that they aren't interested in doing them anymore is to me. They're doing this because they are successful and no longer see the need to. Building up the hype is an important job for any company. Their games do as well as they do in large part to how they are revealed, presented, and marketed.. What I'm telling you is that I'm not a fan of how they are changing that aspect. I'
  8. They are becoming complacent. They're too good for E3 now. They're too good to have any shows within the last 2 years. NO new game announcements in the past 2 years. LITERALLY coasting off the fact that TLOU2 and Ghost of Tsushima are still coming... Think about that..... they're not having to do anything within the last 2 years for new announcements.... because those games haven't dropped yet. They are PERFECTLY fine sitting on those 2 games.... and YOU are perfectly fine with allowing them to do so. I expect Sony to have games and have new things to show for the
  9. "Epic Games Store has generated $680M so far, with exclusives being 'critical,' says @TimSweeneyEpic and has attracted 108 million PC customers, and tells GameDaily that its progress with EGS is ahead of expectations." I mean.... that's all that needs to be said... and another year of free games from Epic So OWNED!
  10. Above expectations. It's doing well. Only going up from here
  11. Any changes to any billing should immediately notify the account holder. That's kinda scummy. As long as they were clear as to when your sub was going to switch over and give you ample notice... then I don't see a problem.
  12. Wow... it's a good thing I didn't say anything like Sony wasn't delivering more games throughout the entire gen... and here's where you make another argument claiming that I was in fact insinuating that...
  13. Another strawman.... You're WISHING they become COMPLACENT Rem... You didn't say it... but I know you're WISHING it!!! Lmao...
  14. "Still managed to beat Xbox"... And this is how they become COMPLACENT... doing as little as possible... and still "beating Xbox".. Lmao thinking you had a point while proving mine
  15. You're an idiot sony brought you days gone and... dreams.. in the last year plus....
  16. Sony is being this way.... because they are becoming complacent and arrogant. They don't NEED to do this or that because they've been successful this gen.... This is the type of shit I'm talking about. They got the same cocky attitude with the PS2 to the PS3 like they could do no wrong. Just cause they don't see MS as a threat doesn't mean they aren't one. They need to keep the passion and pressure on... it's a mistake what they are doing.
  17. Guys.. real talk.... Sony hasn't had any kind of conference or game announcement in literal YEARS.... No E3... no PSX... no nothing.. MS E3 conferences have been good. Lots of games shown... regardless of whether they are multiplatform or not.. at least we get an entertaining conference. How some of y'all are cool with how Sonys been lately just because they are sony is telling.
  18. Possibly. I still think though that the potential is there that people use it as a discovery tool and try games that they've never tried before, and decide to support developers of games they like. It's understandable though. It's a new business model and it's still being developed and refined. These are the early stages, but I can envision a future where good games get selected from the service and marketed for the broader audience. Because despite being forward looking... it will take time for the market to adopt and adapt to these services.
  19. I think he means the ability for weird shit.. to find success... Stuff that doesn't generate huge sales numbers could possibly find success for the developers through Gamepass. It makes sense. Indie game development is scary.
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