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Everything posted by Remij

  1. This. Being able to stream and access the games you've bought for your Xbox on any other device using xCloud is a great feature.
  2. If Sony reveals PS5 in February maybe MS figures that June was too long of a wait to fully reveal at E3? Presumably they both want to get the hardware talk and the features and capabilities of the boxes out of the way so they can focus mostly on games at E3, I guess. There's quite a lot of exciting new tech and features in these consoles to demonstrate though.. so there's a lot to talk about. I'm guessing Sony will also show Horizon 2 as well as a Gran Turismo demo with Ray-tracing, and MS will likely show Halo Infinite and Forza running on Series X.
  3. Probably guessing that 1% = 1 day, which ends up at 100% April 14th?
  4. God damn. MS will have no problems showing the superiority of their Streaming service when it fully launches sometime this year. Google fucked up in every way imaginable. No exclusives worth a damn to push the platform.. No real show of commitment. The absolute fuck show of having to use your phone to setup, interact, and control certain elements. And also essentially not hitting any of their target performance/visual marks which would confirm their hardware was as powerful as they said it was..with any of their games. And to top it off... you actually have to fully purchase
  5. Why TechPowerUp even puts those pages up until they're known is beyond me. Oh wait
  6. They basically shoot the shit and talk over there like friends..which is cool. Fine... but I'm not really about that despite liking them all. So when I'm there.. and I talk about next gen consoles, gaming, or PC, Nvidia/AMD stuff.. it's starting to be "oh this shit again" type shit. Dude obviously doesn't want the talk to always be about that...especially when he disagrees with what I'm saying.. and since I'm not interested in talking about other shit with them, there's nothing more to say.
  7. Which is ironic because he went full bitch mode because Dynamite and I were (for the second time) talking about how current gen consoles would be around the power of a 2080/Super in the server..instead of talking about it through PMs. He disagrees... then starts complaining. Obviously that's something that I'm interested in talking about... so if it's going to be like that every time I want to talk about that stuff and he can't handle disagreeing with me.. there's no sense for me being there. So I left... lol. It's that simple.
  8. I'm not hiding dude. You're right.. it was completely harmless... yet it showed me exactly the type of shit I could look forward to when I talk about that stuff.. and it was quite clear who you were referring to with the "quality dropping lately" comment. You meant every word of it...lmao don't come here and try acting like you didn't. But hey guess what? It's perfectly alright with me if you're tired of that in your server. Dynamite talks with you guys about all the stupid shit you talk about... he enjoys that shit.. but sorry, I'm not interested in talking with you clowns about random
  9. I knew you'd see it eventually.. I mean... I WOULD have gone to the discord and said it directly to you.. but then I'd have to deal with a bunch of whining that I was dragging the amazing quality of discourse at "Bitchtopia" down again because we were back on that topic. So instead I got you to come here.
  10. For so many reasons... other than it being a better action game.
  11. Not as far as action games are concerned
  12. FF7 did improve and refine. Acting like you were some connoisseur of RPG excellence when you were 12-13 years old... FF7's combat was not a regression. I'm going to laugh my ass off if you try to play off "going from 4 characters to 3" as a regression.. The Materia system was great. You think it was poorly planned out and unnecessary? Is that really what 13 year old you thought? Being able to combine different materia together to work in different ways and having to decide between weapons with different amounts of slots and stats was great. lol.. Limit breaks
  13. No God of War game should be in the top 10... ever. It's just not in the same league... despite doing things other things better. LMAO that list..
  14. Why does it need to add a specific amazing feature? Being able to explore environments which weren't flat was an exciting change. The game improved on an already great battle system, the magic system was interesting, it has a great story, and a great cast of characters. It just so happened to wrap it all together in the best looking presentation an RPG had ever seen for the time.
  15. Yea.. that doesn't mean that elden ring will use UE4 though. It might but I think it will use the BB/DS3 engine again.
  16. Where did you hear that from?
  17. What he says DOES have more weight than what I say... which is important.. because what he's saying specifically doesn't confirming anything. He's stating what he thinks will happen... not what is confirmed to be happening. That was easy LOL
  18. No... he's saying he BELIEVES it could... due to Nintendo's history. Nobody is saying they aren't dumbass.. There's just absolutely NO reason to believe that it will use Ampere... yet. You're whole argument boils down to... "Nintendo will use a future Nvidia GPU... and they're getting better... YAY for Nintendo" GASP!
  19. A locked thread on a next gen console will be a much smaller hit to performance than what it was to Jaguar CPUs in the current gen consoles... There's still TONS more CPU to work with there.. and the OS itself will be better threaded. Pre-compiled shaders have been a thing for forever on PC... however there are shaders that need to be generated at runtime as needed. It IS a traditional workload on the CPU... but it's also one which doesn't affect the consoles in the same way. But now you have a MUCH more capable console CPU... and yet PC still has the traditional overhead.. That
  20. That's a journalist's comment... lmao Jensen didn't say that... you fucking idiot
  21. No he's not clearly talking about Switch 2. You don't even know if a Switch 2 is going to be a thing... You're SPECULATING. He said "But Huang also highlighted a key point about Nvidia's relationship with Nintendo. Nintendo is well known for investing in hardware architecture for the long term. So he believes it will be the same for the Switch going forward; he envisions, "a relationship that will likely last two decades." I made the important bits bigger. Words like "he believes" and "he envisions" and "likely" are not confirmations of a contract already
  22. I've already won my argument. It doesn't matter if you think it's baseless or not. I'm saying what I think it is and you're butthurt about it. LOL nothing changes just because you don't think I have enough reason to think the way I do And your post is CLEARLY trying to mock me.. based on what you think I'm doing in this thread... so yea... it just further reinforces how dumb you're being
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