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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Nobody is arguing that the game isn't currently on PC... You said it's not happening... you can't prove it. You're not saying that it hasn't happened yet.. you're saying it's not going to. So how can you prove that it's not going to? You can't. All you can say is that it hasn't YET.... BIG DIFFERENCE there Jehurey. Good... you're doing exactly as I want you to. and remember, I warned you multiple times that it would
  2. It's not a negative. You said it's not happening... where is your proof? I'm not making threats. Telling you to shut up or that you "should stop talking" isn't a threat. I want you to shut up... for your own benefit.. because your mocking of me is what's coming back when I'm finally proven right... I already told you my argument... You disagree but continue to insist on mocking me for it.... I'm not claiming that I've won the argument... I'm claiming that I WILL win the argument.. and I warned you that I would win the argument.. Continue to
  3. You also said it's not happening. Which you can't prove. It's nothing.. .until it happens. Then I win Warning someone something is going to happen isn't a threat. Where did I threaten you? I warned you that the game would release on PC...and that you were going to be proven wrong. You're acting like that feminist who said that guy was harrassing her when he said his name was Hugh Mungus
  4. No.. my argument is that it's coming... yours is that it isn't. You're mocking me because I can't prove it... which is exactly why I'm going to win the argument. I KNOW this is happening... The only reason why you are arguing with me is because I can't prove it (duh)... so you're mocking me. Except I'm going to have the last laugh here... and I'm goading you into mocking me more and more. And no... my argument is not weakened. It's gotten stronger... and given you a false sense of confidence. I already called this out. How am I threatening you... I'm warning you
  5. Yes you are. You JUST said "except it isn't" after I said it was. You double down.. again. And you're mocking me.... yet.. you have NO proof that it's not coming. I'm PURPOSEFULLY goading you into talking about it.. and mocking me in the process... all because I know what's going to happen. That's why it's going to be sweeter. Thanks for doing exactly what I want you to do.. because you can't help yourself. Notice how NOBODY else is saying shit about it? Because they understand the chance is higher than ever... and is only going to become more likely in the futur
  6. Keep it up buttercup. I'm "currently not winning the argument right now"... This is why I'm going to win the argument... if you weren't arguing with me and doubling down on stupid... I wouldn't be winning anything. But that's to your inability to keep your mouth shut... it's going to be sweeter than ever. Just like it was when Dynamite was talking to me like how you are. Except I'm going to make more of an example out of you than I ever did him. I warned you.
  7. Absolutely. Guaranteed all platforms are seeing higher than usual player counts as well as sales. It's going to be interesting to see how CP2077 does at launch.
  8. The Neflix series putting in work bringing more fans in, and bringing old fans back. Game is also Top Global Seller on Steam during the Steam sale. Perfectly timed if I do say so... And the important thing to remember here is that Steam's top sellers is based off revenue. That means that at $20.. TW3 has to sell 3x what RDR2 is selling to be making first place. That's crazy. Tons of people are still buying this game. And this is all leading up to Cyberpunk 2077 next year. They're going to have strong word of mouth from new and ol
  9. It's just dumb what he's doing. Buys Xbox Xbox is underpowered Buys another Xbox with more power Xbox loses all games to PC Buys PC around the same power as the Xbox he just bought Complains that PC sucks and his Xbox is better Wants to buy another Xbox Needs PC for multiplats and PS games PC sucks Xbox is better Buys Xbox Will have to upgrade his PC again lmao... idiot... just buy a good PC and forget about the fucking console
  10. You don't seem to understand that the more you open your yap, the sweeter it's going to be for me. And remember.... I warned you
  11. No... I'm pushing you to dig your hole deeper and deeper... and you're gladly diving in head first LOL Thanks for the good luck. I'm not the one who's going to need it though. I'm glad you're so confident... It's going to make it that much sweeter. And let me inject this... I fucking WARNED you Jehurey
  12. The funny thing about this is the next person I'm going to be referencing when someone tells me what you're telling me is going to be YOU. LOL The fact that you're SO sure I'm going to be wrong about this only works in my favor lmao. Boom Jehurey.. BOOM!
  13. I'm quite confident. You can tell by how I'm mocking you. And yes... it is. :) I remember DynamiteCop telling me the EXACT same thing you are. It's hilarious to me. I look forward to putting you in your place
  14. I think that's the idea. I think their message will be that the Series X is the standard, base console and that Lockhart will come later for budget oriented gamers.. which will run all the same games as Series X but at a lower resolution and will be balanced to do so. But yea.. I don't see them giving Sony a $100 price lead.. even at 12TF vs 10TF. I can imagine that any money saved from Sony on the GPU side would be put into a more expensive SSD/RAM configuration.. especially if the rumors of HMB2/DDR4 or anything like that is true. As said though... 10TF at $399 would still be
  15. I think PS5 and Series X will be close enough.. in both price AND power. The fact is that AMD is providing them the chips and there's only so much that will differentiate them. It's possible MS held off for RDNA2 parts, while Sony maybe wanted to focus on other things and get well developed kits into the hands of developers much earlier.. which could pay dividends. It's hard to say.. but that would explain the reports/rumors of PS5 kits being farther along and more powerful. So I think with that.. it's not like Series X isn't going to be competitive price-wise. It all comes d
  16. They would yea. But I can't see a world where MS let's them be that close and $100 cheaper. MS would take the loss. Also there's Lockhart to consider. A $299 Lockhart with Gamepass and Halo Infinite would appeal to a lot of people.
  17. You wont care about TFs when you see the games it produces lmao. $500 for the kind of visuals these machines will produce will be nothing.
  18. HZD is coming to PC, natively. Why you keep bringing this up again just so I can throw it back in your face is beyond me
  19. Whatever.. They'll have a GPU under $500 that beats the Series X Hermnerds will use that $500 to upgrade, and console fags will choose between PS5 and Series X
  20. They'll have a $350 GPU out that performs as well as Series X by the time it releases... guaranteed. Jensen #1 CEO in the world
  21. It's time to just start offing the convicted killers, pedos, and rapists.
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