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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea I almost missed it myself. Pretty much gave me the idea to do this thread. They're giving some pretty good stuff away.
  2. Seems like it could be The Flame in the Flood.
  3. Thread was probably made before, but I'm going to update this thread as the new games are announced as a way to make sure people hear about and get their free game. Dec 19th - Into the Breach Dec 20th - Towerfall Ascension Dec 21st - Superhot Dec 22nd - Little Inferno Dec 23rd's game teaser is this:
  4. Halo is selling so crazy on PC. Especially the Steam version. Crazy to think that The Master Chief Collection is STILL top seller 3 weeks later, full price... with only Reach atm, during a sale with games like Red Dead Redemption 2 and Star Wars Fallen Jedi ~20% off. 2-5 million on Steamspy... no signs of slowing down. Halo CE is being flighted in January.. we're going to see another influx of Godlo. And this is all with the game available on Gamepass for $1....... God fucking DAMN. People are out of their minds if they don't think Halo I
  5. Chief is back... and he's finally home on PC. No more Locke shit. Infinite will redeem the franchise
  6. It doesn't matter at this point... the machines are going to be beastly. We can safely assume it's 12TF RDNA1 at the very least. Given that, and the fact that the 5700XT is around 9.75TF.. these consoles will be around 3TF faster than the 5700XT. Given that a 5700XT is around 2070 Super performance.. we can safely assume that these consoles will be around 2080 - 2080 Super in performance levels. Some people seem to have a hard time believing, or accepting, that you're going to be getting this power in a $500 or so console.. but you've got to remember that Nvidia has been gouging
  7. Hermits get far more play than any other faction. All the hottest chicks game on PCs
  8. Yea you're right about that. Maybe he does have a grudge against MS atm. Oh well.. It's a meaningless tweet anyway.. nothing to make a big deal about either way. Phil's not wrong imo, and neither is Randy.
  9. Yea. I think they're undergoing big time restructuring of their services and broadening their horizons a bit. Not to mention, Cerny is a crafty motherfucker. I'm sure with how well they did with the PS4, they're willing to do what it takes to keep their marketshare and release something close to what MS has. I just can't believe how much money PSN makes them. They make more money off PSN alone than Nintendo does in its entirety.. lol
  10. I'm sure he's biased to a point.. but I think he's pretty genuine in some aspects. I believe he'd tell both companies straight if they were making a mistake with something. I could be wrong.. I mean, I know he can be an ass.. but he's not as stupid as people think.
  11. Yea I'm just spitting shit out there.. but they will mitigate these costs.. for sure. Maybe PSNow and PC versions of some games play a part it easing the transition? Who knows?
  12. Offer new features on PSN and bump the price a bit. They're laughing to the bank.
  13. Guys.. Randy Pitchford is the reason why Sony is in the position they are today... lmao. If it wasn't for him telling Sony that they were dead meat if they didn't bump the PS4 memory up from 4GB to 8GB... Devs would have flocked to Xbox One.
  14. Completely depends who you ask. I don't think Randy's wrong. I can see it both ways. My issue is why he's bringing it up in the first place since he knows people far more respected and intelligent than him have already said it's slowing. I guess he doesn't like the form factor of the Series X and wanted to get Phil with a zinger.. lol.
  15. It's gonna sit between a RTX 2080 and 2080 Super, like we said. Good fucking baseline for next gen @DynamiteCop!
  16. You can hate it, call it ugly.. whatever... but it's factually not THAT much bigger than current gen consoles were... It's a different form factor... the volume isn't that much bigger than a current gen console. Certainly not anywhere close to a mid-tower atx lol. Which is what I'm talking about... the exaggerations.
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