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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Dude can't follow for shit Seems like mad cow disease is spreading
  2. Yea.. you just did. And yes... you're DONE
  3. The rumors say Feb... and I said.. "HZD will coming to PC" ... not "HZD is coming to PC in February" And you obviously can't follow for shit. HZD was just announced for PSNow... and it is available for a limited time... until April. LMAO trying to say I said Feb, and then now April... lmao THIS PSNow announcement is NOT the PC announcement. Get your fucking head on straight you fucking clown
  4. Where did I ever say anything about Feb? Looks like I caught you trying to create a strawman with a condition so that you could "win"
  5. Was that too much for you? Now you're not interested in talking about the subject... but me instead. A sure sign that you're DONE.
  6. No... if Horizon never comes to PC.... then things remain the same... LMAO I'm not the one with anything to lose here. You idiots don't seem to understand that. But it's on good authority that HZD will come to PC at some point... and well that's when I throw all this shit back in your faces .. just like I did him
  7. *screenshot* Yea... this is going to backfire on me... things stay the same... or... I win Dude... your Dynamite moment is coming. I'm only continuing to post so that you keep digging yourself deeper and deeper... which you're gladly compulsively doing.. just as he did
  8. Yea... Dynamite said that too... and you guys laughed at him Like I said.. it was all fun and games when it was the lemmings.... now...
  9. Just like I did with Dynamite. And he was sooooo sure too... just like you You... definitely YOU. *screenshot*
  10. bubu you melted down HARDER The only one losing their mind here is you. And I've got you doubling and tripling down on this.... Here's a reality check for you Jehurey... trying to classify me as a Lemming does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to save your ass from when HZD is announced natively for PC. LMAO you're trying so hard to do it too.. because if I'm a Lemming.. that would mean that "I've already been raped to a greater degree"... That's literally your angle here... and it's hilarious watching you idiots try so hard for it *screenshot*
  11. I haven't lost anything. You've lost your mind completely. You THINK you've won... just like Dynamite thought he won against me when talking about those Xbox games never coming to PC... It's hilarious to see you making the same mistake because you compulsively can't help yourself. Keep digging *screenshot*
  12. It seems that way... because YOU are in the crosshairs... lmao Jer. Again... me arguing with you over technical specs and capabilities of a box does not = being a lemming. Selective vision and all
  13. It's literally free. HZD is literally free to play right now. PSNow.... until April 2020
  14. This literally sounds like a Dynamite post Why are you betting against someone who has absolutely nothing to lose Jehurey? You're LITERALLY setting yourself up... just like Dynamite did. Don't say I didn't warn you *screenshot*
  15. It SEEMS that way to you because Cows are currently in the crosshairs.... ROFL... it was sure funny when it was the lemmings wasn't it. lmao how often have I defended the PC from Jon and Dynamite??... You seem to have selective vision and hearing... LOL
  16. People are only enticed to sign up with a fake account for a free 7 day trial whenever these games release... Who the absolute FUCK are you kidding. Sign up... play this shit for free within 7 days... drop it. Because the service holds no value if Sony isn't going to keep their games on it... "entice people to sub"
  17. There's no hermits on this forum beside me. Sorry hunny... but the Cows are getting raped by this just like the Lemmings were. You're not special.. don't ever fucking forget that.
  18. lmao those games are there only to make it known... that it costs a certain amount of money... You're SO fucking stupid "Guys... let's put expiry dates on our PS4 PSNow games to entice people to subscribe to our service!... hopefully they'll spend $60 for a game they can play for 4 months!" lol
  19. I'm a Hermit though... you keep forgetting that.
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