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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I know.. but that doesn't explain the 2 million that just bought Halo Reach on PC. Even if they are all ex-lemmings... they literally have access of most of the best games out there, and by far the most games out there.. so having to settle and play Halo Reach because there's nothing else is simply.. not true lol
  2. again... must be why 2+mil PC gamers bought the game within the first 2 weeks... Yeah.. such a shortage of good games to play.
  3. You're being dumb. Halo Reach just sold over 3 million within a couple weeks... Stale my ass
  4. God of War was a stale franchise too... Infinite is going to be awesome. Sony has no MP game that even comes close to even Halo 5
  5. Could be. Considering Phil talking about 2x the compute power of the X1X.. but I still doubt that. Regardless... there's no comparing these consoles to their GCN counterparts. Not in the slightest.
  6. Yea no. They aren't comparable in that way at all. Nvidia TF's are still more performant than RDNA TFs. Not to mention that the 2080 Super boosts higher than 1815mhz. You're looking at around 12TF from the 2080 Super in actuality... which is probably ~14TF RDNA. I expect it to perform around 1080Ti/2080 level.
  7. Lamo.. yes because you guys never EVER thought any AAA first party game would be on PC. LMAO also MLB
  8. It is fucking so ANY of Sony's first party AAA games natively releasing on PC is absolutely fucking ownage... Not a single cow would have ever thought that was going to happen. It's far more ownage than MS failing with their games and releasing them on another platform of theirs... Sony is effectively going 3rd party
  9. GTS is a shitty 70s rated racing game bubu my esport racing ROFL, meanwhile FH4 has a 72 car battle royale mode in a fully open online world
  10. Who's saying the lemmings weren't owned? lmao Dude... be fucking real with yourself for once.. Sony releasing their AAA first party games on anything other than a Playstation console is fucking HUGE. The reason why cows are more owned than Lemmings is the fact that they were so cocky and full of themselves and SO sure that PS would never follow suit that this is like the biggest karma slap to the face that there is..
  11. Probably going to have it ready for either launch or close after launch. It'll 3 years since the last one. Turn 10 and Playground have no doubt been working on a new engine as well as completely new assets reading it for next gen.
  12. So MS has nothing left to lose.. and PS still has everything to lose? PC gamers
  13. That's literally his face. He doesn't know how to respond
  14. Much smaller than a Mid-tower PC. I'm really interested in seeing the internals of this thing. Also wonder if the top will be removable and expose a NVMe drive expansion bay? Still.. I love this design. Here's an awesome sketchfab interactive model comparison https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/xbox-series-x-gadget-comparision-8ab0fec878924fd295e705ae080ce9a3 It's way smaller than people think.
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