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Everything posted by Remij

  1. 120 million consoles means nothing when their games only sell to 1/12th of that market. They need other markets to increase that number further because it's not satisfying them... apparently. WHY THE FUCK ELSE WOULD THEY DO IT??
  2. I wasn't a staunch defender of Xbox One X... lmao. You and I had arguments about the power of the console and what it would be capable of... lmao I remember when you said it would have barely any games at native 4K... with your ridiculous qualifiers like PC high/ultra... lmao idiot. If you don't want to hear an argument from me.. then don't say something stupid. It's that easy. Says "quietly stops mentioning support for XBX in late 2018".... then says "Remij is a HUGE MASSIVE XBOX FANBOY GUIZ!!"
  3. Although you know... when you think about it... Sony games releasing on PC would indeed be more of a failure for Sony than Xbox games releasing on PC would be for MS.. day 1 or not.. because Almost all of Sony's ENTIRE business is gaming and games. If they release their games on other platforms... it's because they failed to create a market big enough to satisfy their investors and had to branch out
  4. Yea. Totally. Huge Xbox fanboy. Their games being multiplat has been SOOOOO terrible for me as a PC gamer. I hate it! Do you even listen to yourself..
  5. Sorry dude... you're NOT changing the fact that YOU think Sony would be failing by putting their games on PC day 1. We KNOW that for a fact because you've said MS' failure resulted in them doing that.. sooo. yea. Not that it would change the fact that putting ANY of their first party AAA games on PC at a later point is any less laughable for you guys that were bashing Xbox for the same even when it was "just a 3rd party game"... It's hilarious because since the lemmings already have been through this... Sony has an easier job of preparing your asshole and thus you're
  6. You're an idiot. That's literally what the retarded fanboy in you sees..not the reality.
  7. No.. You JUST tried to move the goal post. "bubut not day 1" lmao.. ok. And in no way was I portraying Sony as failing. That's actually on YOU... because YOU see Sony releasing games on PC day 1 as a failure of theirs... where I'd see it as a huge win for them. They're leaving tons of business on the table. It's going to be hilarious as things unfold watching you idiots downplay every single fucking thing... lmao. It was the EXACT same things lemmings did when it was "just Quantum Break"... "no Sunset OD will never happen..." "no Halo will never happen..
  8. I don't switch sides... I can get excited for multiple things. LMAO This just shows how fucking retarded you clowns are. You literally wont allow yourselves to be excited or happy with something because it's not attributed to your console of choice. "Literally garbage" lmao fuck off dude.
  9. lmao Cows trying to pretend like they EVER expected any Sony first party games to come to PC... regardless of the amount of time passed.. Moving goalposts to "day 1 games" Crying "It doesn't affect us if it's 2 years later" Trying to convince us "we're not owned if it happens" You kids are SOOOOO fucking owned the SECOND a AAA first party game by a Sony studio is released on PC... doesn't matter how many years later it is It IS happening Jehurey. Don't Dynamite yourself here..
  10. It's not a huge thing at all. I noticed that right away just from the controller. Anyone with a Receiver who's bitching about this is just being dumb imo. Also the people being dramatic and calling it hideous or ugly.. lmao.. give me a break. I understand not liking it, or wanting something different... but.. it's a black box. Call it boring, call it generic, call it whatever... but MOST devices are black and rectangular.. Oh no.. this ones a bit bigger than the typical one.... no shit.. it's pushing cutting edge technology... these things dissipate a lot of heat. The desig
  11. Remij

    Hellblade 2

    I remember when you were talking shit about Ninja Theory being a small studio meaning that they couldn't be working on multiple projects and that anything they made wouldn't be AAA looking quality.... then they come out with literally the best looking thing and make Ghost of Tsushima look like garbage buh buuu nobody cares
  12. Looks fucking awesome. bubu it doesn't fit with my entertainment setup! LMAO non of you have Receivers? I think this might actually be my favorite console design ever.
  13. 1. RE2 2. Sekiro 3. The Legend of Bum-bo 4. Control 5. Death Stranding
  14. If they only have 16 with 13 usable... then that SSD has got to be working wonders.
  15. Telling someone they should know better isn't an explanation. That's an accusation. "The KIDS fault... he should have known he couldn't do that in the real world" That's what you said.
  16. lmao you said it's never happening. Did you forget that? You're SO fucking owned if (when) this drops... you and that fuckhead Aza, and Lynux as well. Karma's a bitch. Hilarious that you were trying to downplay the significance of this by saying that MS did it because they failed and that Sony's not failing. When in reality that makes it MUCH more of a slap to the face to the Cows that MS publishing their games on another one of THEIR platforms
  17. I don't give a shit why someone wears the hat. It really doesn't matter and certainly doesn't justify violence against them regardless. He's not hurting anyone by wearing a hat. In you mind... the kid was wrong for doing it, and HE should have been the one to know better...
  18. I'm giving you the chance to say it's not... because your previous post certainly implies it is. So?
  19. Jehurey apparently thinks this is acceptable. It was HIS fault for wearing the hat. I guess much like it's a woman's fault that she gets raped for wearing revealing clothing.
  20. lmao the haters. how fucking pathetic can you be? "OMG that black box looks HIDEOUS!! " Fucking drama queens
  21. I know that. It was obvious when you see the controller next to it... like I said.. it's 2 gamecubes stuck together.
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