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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No it isn't LMFAO OMFG you're dumb as a brick 68621 reviews on SteamDB... 69454 reviews on Steam... Reviews in different languages... Firetard and Jenooby both stay losing
  2. Yes they do.. idiot. I mean here's the first patch notes for Ratchet and Clank LMFAO this dipshit truly stay losing vs me
  3. Yea, it's a post of their patch notes.. it's not a specially issued statement to the press dipshit Stay losing
  4. I'm not asking you a question dipshit. The conversation is over
  5. So it's on PC and those were patch notes. Glad we cleared that up.
  6. Amazing that instead of talking about the potential games that could be shown at this SoP.. cows are in this thread crying about Xbox games that they've been playing
  7. The game is on PC moron, and it's not a press release... it's a patch update from Steam
  8. LMAO Cows like Puerto are already crying about it not being about upcoming First Party games This was supposed to be the one that made up for the last one that made Firecoward go into hiding too!
  9. Sure pal Don't cry to me... cry to Twinblade, Sabo, and anyone else here who played this flop and posted about it sucking here
  10. First, an enormous thank you to all of you playing Starfield and your support. We are absolutely blown away by the response and all you love about the game. We’re also reading all your great feedback on what you’d like to see improved or added to the game. This is a game we’ll be supporting for years and years to come, so please keep all the feedback coming! Even if we don’t get to your requests immediately, we’d love to do it in the future, like city maps. Our priority initially is making sure any top blocker bugs or stability issues are addressed, and adding quality-of-life features that man
  11. They need to just actually release titles at a decent cadence to keep both console sales and gamepass subscriptions up. They deserve to be down YoY since they didn't release fuck all in 2022. Starfield was not going to change things for them overnight... they've got to continue to releasing first party exclusive titles and build some momentum. Forza's next, but what's coming after that?
  12. That's because they support many generations of devices. Nobody is saying mobile games don't make money. I'm simply saying that the only AAA devs that will be porting console games to phones which only run decently on the single newest generation of phone, are the ones that Apple pays to add support. It will take a while before the amount of phones are out there which will allow them to sell anywhere near consoles.
  13. Game must not be doing that great. They've got FF7R coming up and while I'm sure that game will do great... this will put further scrutiny on that game's performance and if it fails to meet Square Enix's expectations, this could be the end for SquareEnix as we know them They seem ripe for the picking, and you'd think Sony would be all over it.
  14. Yea, basically nobody, outside of companies Apple actually pays to support their device, will support this stuff. Phone game developers are all about maximizing the potential playerbase by supporting everything as far back as possible. It will be a while before these types of games are selling anywhere close to consoles.
  15. Who the fuck said Starfield is the best MS' teams can offer? And does anybody.... ANYBODY... expect companies to start putting out games that rival Sony's cream of the crop with sky high budgets from PS4 onwards on a phone?? Is that what you're going to be saying next?
  16. Yep. It's not even just the muscle memory... it's actually properly configuring the AC to perform the best against certain enemies on certain missions too. I know that if I drop it and start something like Starfield.. I'll forget what works well with what, and just proper movement in general. The controls are quite different in these games. If Starfield is a 7, I'll admit it when I get to it. I watched a streamer say it was baffling some of the decisions they made in the game, but I'll see for myself. I'm fine with buying it because I have a feeling, regardless of whether or n
  17. I can only play so much. Like I said, if AC6 wasn't the type of game that you have to continually play or else you just get destroyed, I'd start it up, but there's no sense in doing that until I'm done.. because then I probably wouldn't finish it. I'll play it, and I'll give my honest thoughts
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